Chapter 8 - I'll Be There for You

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"Friendzone. Teenage purgatory. Like a mirage of an oasis in a sweltering desert. When they're happy, it brightens the world. When they're sad, your world erodes. When you look at them, you see utter brilliance, magnificence, perfectness. But when they see you, they only see one thing: Friend."     

-Marshall Wagoner


Living by myself since I was 14, I've had to find ways to amuse myself. Music was one of those things. 

I was attracted to all sorts of instruments, but the piano was what I was drawn to the most. It reminded me of my mom. She was an exceptionally talented piano player; so much so she invested in a large grand piano. Before the incident, every year at Christmas, my family and I would sit around the piano and play and sing Christmas songs together. The melody of the piano, intertwined with the harmony of my mother enveloped the entire house. 

But now, the instrument that was once used to bring joy to the house, has been demoted to another expensive decoration to display our family's wealth. 

I refused to play that piano. So when I decided to teach myself, I bought my own. It's only a digital one, but it's my saving grace. Music is my only connection the family I once had. And now, it also keeps me sane. All my pain, all my frustrations, all my heartbreak, I can write it into song. 

All of the songs I've written are always so sad because that's how I've felt most of the time. But for the first time in a long time, I finally have something good to write about.


Our friendship isn't conventional, that's for sure. But he makes me feel safe and protected. I know what we're doing is wrong and if I could do it any other way I would. I never believed in karma, because if I did, that means I must have been completely fucked up in my previous life to be living the one I have now. But right now, I like to think that the universe is trying to apologize to me by bringing Brooks into my life. 

So maybe just this once, I'll be selfish.


"Hey Giules?" Poke. 

I continue to ignore the man-child beside me.

"Giuuuules?" Poke. 

Calm down Giulia, don't get mad at him. He's a nice guy.

"Giuliaaaaaa, I'm sorry for eating your chicken nugget okay? I'll buy you some more, but please talk to me," Brooks begs. 

I turn to glare at him. "I told you I was going to the bathroom and to not eat the last chicken nugget. But what do you do as soon as I leave? You eat my damn chicken nugget," I say, finally snapping. 

It's not the week to mess with me Ryland.

After my outburst, Brooks goes quiet for a minute before meekly asking, "Giuuules, are you on your period?"

As soon as he asks the question, I begin to feel tears streak down my face. "Yes, okay, yes. I'm sorry I've been such a bitch. The hormones have just been all over the place." 

I continue hiccuping, trying to calm myself down. I feel the familiar pain in my lower abdomen and I wince. 

Brooks notices my discomfort and asks, "Do you need anything? Chocolate? Water? Whatever you need, I can get it."

"Well if you wouldn't mind, I'd really like some Panadol. And maybe a hot water bottle. And maybe some green tea?" I mumble in response. "Oh and um... maybe some ice cream too? Any flavour will do," I add as an after thought. 

He chuckles at me. "Anything for you Giules. Anything for you."

He climbs out of bed, taking the remnants of our fast food feast with him. I watch as he coolly walks to his door and exists the room, aiming to complete his mission. 

Brooks and I are supposed to be working on our Chemistry homework together but instead I was continually distracted by his attractive face that I just wanted to kiss him. And because that was a workout for me, I became hungry and we ordered McDonald's. The thing between us has been going on for 3 weeks now and no one is the wiser.

I haven't told any of my friends for obvious reasons and we've made sure that no one sees us hanging out with each other outside of school. That's why we usually just spend most of our time at each other's house. 

My craving for human touch and affection is being fulfilled by the guy who's probably had more intimate interactions than I'll ever have in my entire life. In saying that, his experience is certainly paying off, because man that boy can kiss. In all honesty, it takes a lot of restraint for me to not go any further, especially when he runs his hands around the curvature of my body. I can handle the guilt of kissing him, but I don't think I could look anyone in the eye if I ended up sleeping with him. 

But just having someone want to be close to you, it's enough for me. The things I used to want Reid to do to me, Brooks can provide a tenfold of. 

Ten minutes elapsed before Brooks finally came back with everything I asked for. He hands me the hot water bottle and I immediately place it on my stomach, relishing in the pain relief the heat provided. I then took the Panadol and curled up in Brooks' bed, feeling like a child again. 

"Hey, don't forget your ice-cream," Brooks reminds me as he sits on the edge of his.

I flutter my eyelashes at him. "Can you feed me? Pretty please."

He rolls his, playfully. "Fine," he says, pretending to huff in annoyance before breaking into his signature smile. 

He takes a spoonful of ice-cream and I open my mouth in response. Once the cold treat enters my mouth, I relish the flavours on my tongue before swallowing. Brooks continues to feed me, sneaking in a few mouthfuls for himself in the process. 

I can't help but stare at his blue eyes, a feeling of happiness washing over me. I'm overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude that I know I need to express to him.

"Hey Brooks?"

"Yeah Giules?"

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being a friend," I say wholeheartedly. 

After I say that, he stops feeding me. His breath hitches in his throat. I slowly sit up, wondering what's wrong. There's this fleeting look in his eyes, one of sadness I think. But it quickly dissipates and  he smiles once again. It's smaller this time, but still genuine. 

 "I'm always here for you, okay?"


Author's Note:

Hello!!! I'm finally on uni holidays so I have a lot more time to write!!! Yay!! Did you guys enjoy this chapter? It's kind of more like a filler but I'm hoping it gives a little more insight into Giulia's family and her life and where her love for music comes from. So if you liked this chapter, please comment your thoughts, vote and share the story with your friends! Also feel free to PM me if you would like to be friends because I'm always looking to meet new people. 

Chapter Question: Giulia just friend-zoned Brooks. Have you ever been friend-zoned or are you the friend-zoner? Hahaha 

Anywaaays, until we meet again

--Undecided Dreamer

P.S. Song for the chapter is "I'll be there for you" by The Rembrandts and it's the theme song of friends (get it ;) )

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