Chapter 11 - Pillow Talk

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"Because I could watch you for a single minute, and find a thousand things I love about you."

- Unknown


A gleam of soft light escaped through the crack between the curtains and landed on my face. The brightness pierced through my eyelids, forcing me to wake up from the best sleep I've had in years. When I opened my eyes, I excepted to face the person who made that all possible. Instead, I was met with crumpled bed sheets and a little indent in the mattress reminding me that there was someone sleeping beside me last night. 

My heart sank slightly. I didn't know why I thought Brooks would be there when I woke up, as he was under no obligation to do so. I checked my phone to see if he had texted me, but to my dismay, the only texts I had were from my group chat with the gang. A part of me was slightly disappointed that he left without saying goodbye. But all I could do was just shrug it off and drag my ass out of bed. 

I walked into my en suite and stared at myself in the mirror. Even though I felt great, I certainly didn't look it. I had slightly dark circles under my eyes and my skin was looking a little dull. I blamed it on the late time I finally went to bed, which was mostly Brooks' fault. I mean, he kept me up all night trying to learn every stupid thing about me.

He knew to avoid the topic of my family, so he just asked me random questions instead. They ranged from what my favourite color was, to what I would do in a zombie apocalypse. And no matter how much I wanted to sleep, I didn't want to stop talking to him. But eventually, I couldn't fight with my body anymore and I fell asleep on Brooks' chest.

I splashed my face with cold water to snap myself out of my reminiscing. After I brushed my teeth, I made my way downstairs to make myself breakfast. As I descended the staircase, I smelt the familiar scent of bacon and pancakes wafting through the air. I continued to follow the tantalizing aroma to the kitchen, upon which I was met with a glorious sight of Brooks cooking in his boxers... shirtless.


He had his back to me, and let me tell you that my favourite part on a guy is definitely a nice back and Brooks takes home the grand prize. Every muscle was defined and moved fluidly with his body. I mean, I knew his back was toned from when I would run my hands down it when we would make out. But I had never been exposed to all its glory before until this morning. 

Finally, I decided that I had been staring for far too long and that I should make it known that I was behind me. Me, being the cheeky person I am (note the sarcasm), thought it would be fun to scare him. I slowly crept up behind him, lightly treading on my feet, making sure I didn't make a sound. When I was just a step away, I stood up on my tip-toes and leaned into his ear.

"Boo," I whisper. 

I kid you not, Brooks leapt approximately three feet in the air and screamed like a banshee. I, myself burst into a fit of laughter. When he turned to face me, his cheeks were slightly flushed and his eyes wide. I was about to tease him when his eyes began to narrow and his lips pursed.

Oh shit. I'm dead. 

I knew that Brooks was going to get me back, and now I was the one that was scared. 

"Now, now Brooklyn. Please don't be mad. All I did was scare you."

"Dude, I was flipping bacon!" whines Brooks, "I could've hurt myself you know."

"Well did you hurt yourself?" I ask.

"No, but I could've!"

"Don't be such a baby, you're fine. And anyways, if you did hurt yourself I'd just kiss it better," I say, stepping closer to his face, as I gave him the sweetest smile. 

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