Chapter 4 - Miserable at Best

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  "There are four kinds of people to avoid in the world: the assholes, the asswipes, the ass-kissers, and those that just will shit all over you." 
―   Anthony Liccione

Let me tell you a story about a princess who has been stuck in a lonely tower almost all her life. She was born 16 years ago on 31st of December to a King and Queen who ruled over the Kingdom of Medicine. The princess lived happily with her loving parents for 7 blissful years until one day the beautiful Queen discovered she was pregnant with her second child. When the princess found out, she began jumping for joy, happy that she would get someone to play with.

Then one night, a powerful storm was brewing over the small kingdom. But because the King and Queen promised their oldest daughter that they'd be home in time for her special dinner, they both clambered into their chariot anyway. Igniting the powerful steed, they made their way onto the busy highway. The King and Queen were full of nerves, especially since the princess had called them numerous times, asking where they were. As the King and Queen were too busy trying to console their impatient daughter, the King did not see an incoming car that veered off the track because of the slickness of the water. Before either of them could react, the King and Queen crash into the oncoming vehicle, causing a domino effect of collisions.

The little princess left at home waiting was playing with her dolls when the Queen's sister comes rushing in and began cradling her in her arms. Scared and confused, the princess felt a surge of tears gushing down her own face. Finally, once her aunt calmed down, she told the princess what had happened and brought her to her own steed so that they could go to the hospital together. During the trip to the hospital, the princess did not know what was happening. Feeling tired and overwhelmed, she simply stared out into the distance, clutching on to her favourite teddy bear.

After what seemed like forever, they finally reached the tall building with its signature white walls and recognisable bleach-like scent. The foreboding atmosphere highlighted by the frantic nurses and the crying of family and friends. The princess and her auntie went to the waiting area that a tired-looking nurse directed them to and they both sat down in silence; the aura of despair omnipresent.

While waiting, the young princess saw a boy that looked about the same age as her looking just as distraught. With bags drooping under his eyes, and his hair sticking up in random places, the poor boy appeared to have not slept in days. And because of the type of person she is, she wanted to go up to him and comfort him herself. But before her short legs could touch the ground, he was swept away into a nearby room. The princess felt her heart sink for some strange reason, however, a man in a white coat approached them before she could contemplate on her feelings any further.

The young princess and her aunt stood up simultaneously to greet the young doctor; his face holding conflicting emotions. She only paid half her attention to the conversation between her aunt and the doctor only listening for the key words. The princess felt relieved when she heard that Cameron and Chace Montenegro were both "fine". What caught her attention though was the next sentence.

"I'm sorry Miss, but unfortunately we couldn't save the baby and she miscarried."

That final sentence had the ability to make time stop. The young princess may have only just turned 7 years old, but she wasn't an idiot, she knew what it meant. She felt her auntie bend down to envelop her in a heartbreaking hug, and placed a sombre kiss on her forehead. The princess stood tense. No tears. No feeling of sadness. No cursing at the sky. She was simply numb.

Numb from the pain of losing someone she never even met.

Once they were given permission, the princess and her aunt made their way to the conjoined private room of the King and Queen. The usually tanned skin of her mother turned into ivory. Her father's luscious dark hair was encased in a white bandage. The princess observed both of them. They looked so peaceful, like sleeping angels. She walked to their beds and sat in a chair that was placed in the middle. She placed one hand each in her tiny palms and sat there for the rest of the night, silently pleading to a higher power for them to wake up as she lulled herself to sleep.

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