Chapter 1 - I Hate Everything About You

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"And I hate how you made me question myself when the problem was with you all along."

- Anonymous


"My parents want you over for dinner tonight." Just like always, Reid's tone is serious and clipped, lacking any trace of love or affection.

I sigh and show my frustration. "I already told you that I'm busy for the rest of the week; I need to finish all of my assignments Reid."

"Well you can't cancel on my parents, you know how upset they'll be," he demands. "And it's not like your parents will care whether or not you fail," Reid adds as an afterthought.

Now that's a low blow.

"You know what? I'll fucking go just to get you to shut up!" With a huff, I stomp down the crowded hallway to get to my Chemistry class.

My whole body still feels hot, the anger surging through my blood. The previous moment of irritation still lingering and I don't think that it'll go away any time soon. If I were to receive a dollar for each time I wished I had the to balls to break up with him, I'd be able to buy all of America and knock Donald Trump out of the country.

But I'm a coward.

I know that if word gets around that I broke up with the Reid Smith, the repercussions would be endless. First of all, he is the son of our beloved principal. And I don't say this part with any malice at all because Mr Smith is a great man. He's fair on his students and actually cares about running the school properly. Needless to say, that if we broke up, everyone will take Reid's side over mine. After all, I am the girl "lucky" enough to wrap the golden boy around my little finger.

And secondly, he is a manipulative bastard. If it wasn't terrible enough knowing that everyone will take his side, I know that he will do everything in his power to make sure that the rest of my high school experience will be a living hell.

I take my seat once I arrive at the classroom and I greet the person next to me, Brooks Ryland – the school's notorious jock, slash hottie, slash play boy. He is also my lab partner; not that I minded. Ryland isn't a complete asshole and he manages to pull his weight in class. Not to mention he is absolutely hilarious to work with.

Before I can even say anything, Brooks somehow manages to sense that there's something wrong. "What's got your panties in a twist Montenegro?" his voice masking humour but his eyes are swimming with concern.

"Just stupid relationship problems that's all. Nothing too serious," I sigh.

"Is Smith not satisfying you?" he smirks. Yes.

"No," I scoff.

Nobody here knows that mine and Reid's sex life is practically non-existent. I mean the guy won't even hold my hand unless there's someone we need to impress. Forget about making love to me.

"And anyway what about you?" I try to divert the conversation back to him.

If he notices what I'm doing he doesn't show it. "What about me?"

"You broke up with Rhiannon again. How's that going for you?"

Brooks and Rhiannon have been on and off since the start of sophomore year; ever since they both discovered that a penis could go into a vagina. And at the moment, I guess they're off again.

"I've finally broken up with her for good." I do a double take.

"Can you please repeat that again?" I say shocked. "You, actually ending it with her for real?" I laugh, glad that I'm not the only one facing relationship problems.

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