Chapter 2 - I'm the King of this Pity Party with my Jewel Encrusted Crown

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  "A bad relationship is like standing on broken glass, if you stay you will keep hurting? If you walk away, you will hurt but eventually you will heal."

- Autumn Kohler  


The only reason I can tolerate having dinner with the Smith's is because of the food. For some reason, Mrs Smith always manages to cook up a 5-star, three course meal that makes my taste buds tingle and my knees go weak. Safe to say it's always an orgasmic experience. Pun intended.

I apply a final coat of lip gloss and run my fingers through my hair to ensure everything is neat and tidy. I stare at my reflection in the mirror. I'm wearing a knee length, baby blue dress, with pastel flowers and a cropped cardigan to cover my bare shoulders. Encasing my feet were a pair of simple nude flats.

I look like I'm about to go to church.

Every time I go to see his parents, Reid constantly insists that I cover my body and not dress the way I do at school. Reid being the prude he is, believes that wearing skinny jeans and a tank top makes you look like a slut. And yes, he did indeed use those words to describe me. But I think he forgets that his dad has seen me numerous times in my "slutty" attire and hasn't given me any beef about it. But then again, Reid's head is so far up his ass that he couldn't care less about the things going on around him unless it pops his personal bubble.

I make my way down stairs, the floorboards creaking as I do. The silent eeriness of the house creeping me out and being alone didn't help either. My parents are probably off somewhere in South America trying to find a cure for a sub-tropical disease while their own daughter stays at home suffering in their neglect. Saying I'm used to it though would be an understatement.

I walk out the front door, making sure to lock it behind me and get into my car that's parked in the driveway. I reverse out and make the 15-minute trip to my "boyfriend's" house.

I turn the radio on full blast when I hear my favourite song come on, "Polygraph, Right Now!" by the Spill Canvas.

"Fate is an elegant, cold-hearted whore,

She loves salting my wounds,

Yes, she enjoys nothing more.

I bleed confidence from deep within my guts now,

I'm the king of this pity party with my jewel encrusted crown."

I begin to really get into it, the lyrics really hitting home. Fate really does suck! I'm suffering and no one knows about it because if I tell anyone they won't believe me. And he just loves rubbing it in my face. The traffic light turns red and I continue bopping my head to the music in an unattractive manner. Suddenly I hear a car honking its horn beside me. Jumping from the surprise, I hit my head on the low roof of the car. The next thing I know; familiar laughter erupts from the neighbouring car.

"Montenegro! That was priceless," exclaims Brooks from his car through his window, in between a fit of laughter.

I turn to him and glare. "Thanks for your concern Ryland, I really appreciate it," I spit out, my head still pounding from the impact.

"Aww Giules, please don't be mad. I'm sorry," he mocks me in an unapologetic tone and before I could respond, he suddenly changes the subject. "Where are you off to anyway?"

"Oh you know, the usual. Having dinner at my boyfriend's house with his parents. Same old, same old," I reply, trying not to let the distaste show. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

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