Chapter 9 - Make Me Wanna Die

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"Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson 


"I can't believe he's dead," cries Casey into the arms of his twin sister.

"There, there Case. It's okay. Please don't cry. You never cry," responds Stacey as she gently pats the side of his head. 

"He was my best friend Stacey. I told him everything," Casey wails, tears streaming down his face. 

"He was a goldfish Casey, he forgot you every three seconds," Jake says bluntly, his eyebrows raised. 

Reid, Alyssa and I all laugh at Jake's statement and Casey shoots all of us a glare. 

"You guys are just jealous of Maximillion and I's relationship."

"Yes, because we're jealous of your relationship with a fish," I say sarcastically. Casey huffs in annoyance, sticking his tongue out at me. 

He really is a man-child

"You're so mean to me Gigi! But you know how you could make it up to me? By joining my band!" exclaims Casey, grinning wickedly. 

Damn! I seriously thought he forgot about his proposition!

I try to come up with a million excuses in my head about why I can't join, but before I can blurt one out, Casey interrupts me. 

"Nope! Sorry Gigi, I'm not accepting no for an answer. If you still want to be my friend, then you have to join my band. No 'ifs', 'ands' or 'buts'." 

"Well then I guess we're no longer friends," I joke. 

 Casey rolls his eyes at. "Okay, how about you just come over this afternoon. Me and the guys have rehearsals at my house after school. Come and check us out and jam with us. If we don't vibe then we don't vibe. But please don't knock it before you try it."

I think for several seconds about his offer. I guess there's no reason to say no to that. And with that, I begrudgingly agree. 


Casey and Stacey's house was the perfect family home, with a white picket fence and a lush-green front lawn. Their family was also picture-perfect. Their parents were high school sweethearts and doted on each other in a way that was only slightly-nauseating. 

In all honesty, I'm jealous of their life. The way their parents would make them have family dinners every Sunday and how they would go on vacation every summer. They would always complain about having to spend so much time with their parents, but I knew they were joking. They both love their family and knew how lucky they were. 

I shake that envious feeling as I pull up in front of Casey's house, with Stacey sitting in the passenger's seat. A swirl of nervousness, engulfed my stomach. I didn't think it would be such a big deal, but deep down, I kind of do want to join their band. It would give me something to do, other than mope around in a big, empty house. 

I run my hands through my hair and then apply Chapstick to my lips, trying my best to delay leaving my car. Stacey somehow feels my nerves and lightly places her hand on my shoulder. 

"Girl, relax. It's just by brother and his band. It's not like you're trying out for Blink 182 or something," she lightly laughs. 

"I know," I stutter. "It's just... I've never done anything like this before. What if I completely suck?"

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