Chapter 6 - Teenagers

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"Teenagers only have to focus on themselves - its not until we get older that we realize that other people exist. "

-Jennifer Lawrence 

The six of us are sitting at our regular lunch table that we've claimed since freshman year. The hustle and bustle of the cafeteria evading us as we're stuck in our own personal bubble.

"So Giules, are you coming to Alistair's party tonight?" asks Alyssa.

I open my mouth to respond, but before I do, Reid takes it upon himself to answer for me. "Since when does Giulia ever go to any party? All she does is study," he says bitterly.

Alyssa turns to him with an annoyed look on her face. "Excuse me, but was I talking to you? Is your name Giules? No? Well then step off your high horse Reid. You're officially the world's shittiest boyfriend already, you don't need to make it worse," she replies hotly, her hands on her hips showing how pissed off she is.

Reid looks at her gobsmacked, having never heard Alyssa sound that rude to anyone. "What is your problem Aly?"

"You!" she prods him hard on his chest. "You're my problem Reid, you're so fucked up and I don't know why Giulia puts up with you."

Now even I'm in awe; I don't know where this newfound anger is coming from considering Alyssa never has outbursts like that.

"Lyssa, are you okay?" I ask.

"No I'm not okay! All guys are such jerks Giules! I fucking hate them all!" she screams, turning to me.

Using my best friend radar, I realise she's talking about more than just Reid. There's an underlying problem that's bothering her. So I decide to yank her up and drag her out of the cafeteria with me.

"Ouch! Giules! Ouch! Let go of me you bitch! I want to give that dick a piece of my mind!" she pleads as we leave, all curious eyes on us.

Once we reach the empty hallway I let her go. I cross my arms in front of me and shoot daggers at her. "What the hell was that?"

"He was being an ass and I wanted him to know it," she says sternly.

I shake my head at her. "No, that's not it. There's something else going on it that head of yours."

"No Giules, I was looking out for you. I mean Daniel doesn't have the right to speak to you like that."

My eyes go wide at what she says but the look on my face doesn't compare to hers when she realises her mistake.

"So who's this Daniel, Lyssa?" I say, my eyebrows arching in suspicion.

She bites her lip. "He's no one, just an older guy that I've been seeing. Well actually, was seeing."

I open my mouth in shock. "You've been dating someone and you never told us? You sneaky bitch," I tease.

She rolls her eyes. "It's not like it was anything serious. We just hooked up here and there. But it doesn't matter anyway because it's over."

I recognise the mask she puts on when she doesn't want anyone to know she's upset. I give her a sad look and pull her into a tight hug. "Oh honey, he probably wasn't the right guy for you. But don't worry, I'll go to the party and we can find a decent rebound okay?"

She gives out a loud chortle. "If me getting my heart broken means you actually come out and socialise, then so be it."


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