Chapter 12 - Parents

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*CONTENT WARNING: Sexual content towards the end of the chapter. Please skip if you don't feel comfortable.*

"They should love you, just as you are. Parents should love their kids, right?"
"You'd think so."
― N.R. Walker, 


Today was the day that I was dreading for almost a week. I'd rather go through a Groundhog day montage of yesterday for the rest of my life, instead of having to live through today. This was the day I would see my parents again after almost a year, and I was definitely not prepared. As I drove to the airport, the memory of receiving the awful news, replayed in the mind. 

Text From: Mom

We're coming home.

My heart dropped as soon as I read her message. But before I could even reply, my phone started ringing, my mom's caller ID flashing on the screen. I let it ring several times before I picked up, trying to restart my heart. I finally mustered up the courage and accepted the call, bracing myself for whatever she had to say. 

"Giulia darling, hello," chirped my mother, a tone she rarely used with me. "You're on speakerphone with your father and I and a couple of our colleagues who so badly wanted to meet you." There it was, the reason for my mother's 'delightful' greeting; a show for other people.

"Hi mother, hi father, so lovely to finally hear from you guys again after over a year," I respond dryly.

Sneaking around with Brooks gave me a small boost in confidence, and I didn't really want to keep playing their game of happy family. I could feel the tension on the other line and I knew I'd get an earful about it when they got home, but I'd be lying if I said that it didn't make me feel good. 

My father coughs, breaking up the tension in the air. "Anyway sweetheart," he says, in a sickly sweet voice, "we just wanted to call you to say that we're coming home next weekend and we'd love it for you to pick us up from the airport. If that's alright with you that is."

I decided to keep being a bitch, because hey, I deserve it. "Mmm, I don't know, I think I might be busy. Maybe try again next year, I'm sure I'll be free then."

I could hear my mom curse softly under her breath and politely excuse herself from her companions. I definitely was in deep shit now. 

"Giulia Renee Montenegro, why are you being so rude in front of our co-workers?" my mother demanded. 

"I'm sorry mom." No I'm not. "I was just joking."  No I wasn't. "Lighten up, okay?"

I could feel my mother rolling her eyes. "So you will pick us up at the airport next Saturday. Do not forget and do not be late."

"Yes mother," I relented. "Why are you coming home anyway?"

"We're having a charity dinner to raise money for a new hospital over here. Anyways got to run dear, have to get back to work." And with that, she hung up

When I finally arrived at the airport, the palms of my hand increased with sweat as I gripped the steering wheel, trying to park my car. After sliding my way in, I turned off my engine and stared motionless through my front windscreen. For a split second, I was tempted to just turn right back around and text them to find their own way home. But knowing that I would get my head chewed off made me rethink my plan. 

Finally, I stepped out of my car and made my way to the international arrival gate. My heart was racing at an accelerated speed, my right foot nervously tapping against the tiled floors, as I await my parents' arrival. 

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