Chapter 5 - Pieces

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"If you want  your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, and half as much money." 

-Abigail van Buren

I've been waiting in the janitor's closet for 10 minutes waiting for Brooks to arrive. The cold and dark room with its cramped environment is not the most romantic place, but right now, I'm not looking for romance. Suddenly, I hear the door handle click and familiar footsteps make their way to me.

"Giules? Are you in here?"

I take a deep breath in, trying to calm my nerves before I make a decision that contradicts all my morals.

Does it seem like Reed has any morals with the way he treats you?

With that final push from my subconscious, I put my arms out in front until they come in contact with Brooks' broad and muscular shoulders. I give them a firm squeeze, signalling to him that I was there.

"So why did you call me he-" he begins.

But before he could finish his sentence I bring my lips to meet his. As soon as they touched, I wouldn't say I felt fireworks exploding in my stomach, but it feels pretty damn close. At first, I can sense his hesitation. He moves his lips slowly, like he's afraid they will disappear if he goes too fast. Egging him to continue, I begin to apply more pressure and increase the speed. Noticing that I actually want to kiss him, he presses his lips harder against mine and matches my rhythm.

I love the way his lips are rough yet soft at the same time, commanding dominance but lets me take some of the control. Then he slips his tongue into my mouth and I think I almost melt in his arms. He continues to massage my tongue with his for a few more minutes before we finally separate and leans his forehead against mine. I hear our ragged breaths mingling with each other, teasing our mouths that are still close, as if to say we could close the space any time we wanted to. After what seems like eternity, Brooks gently pushes me away to find the light switch.

I hear a click and I come face to face with a flustered looking teenage boy who looked like he just had his first kiss. "Hey," I manage to whisper.

I see him take a gulp of air, his Adams apple following the movement. "Hey... what was that? I thought you-"

"I changed my mind," I quickly interrupt.

He looks at me confused. "Why?"

I glance down immediately. I know if I look him in the eyes he'll know in a second; he can read me like an open book. I chew on my bottom lip, skimming through my brain for a believable answer but I come up empty. I feel his thumb at the bottom of my chin, tilting my head up to meet his mesmerising blue orbs.

"Why Giules?" scanning his eyes back and forth, trying to find any sign that would tell him the truth. And then I saw his eyes go wide.

Damn it! He knows! Abort mission! Abort mission!

"Reed did something to you, didn't he?" he questions but I'm too scared to admit it. The flame of anger in his eyes are flickers. "God damn it Giulia tell me!"

My eyes become to glisten at his words. The emotions I tried so hard to contain begin to unravel at full speed ahead. I feel a single tear slide down the apples of my cheeks. "He just said things I wish he didn't," I manage to mumble.

His features soften. He takes my face in his hands and coaxes me to look in his eyes. "You know whatever he said is not true right? Don't listen to a single word of the bullshit that comes out of that asshole's mouth."

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