Chapter 7 - Say Nothing

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  "And it is easy to believe you are not good enough if you listen to everybody else." 

- Mackenzie Asten 


I don't know exactly how much alcohol I've had tonight but I know it's a lot. My head is spinning and everyone is starting to have their own twin. But amongst the pounding of the music and the smell of sweaty teenagers, this is the most relaxed I've felt in a long time. I may be drunk out of my mind right now, but at least all the worries and the hurts that have been handed to me have disappeared, even if it is only for one night.

I'm about to walk over to the keg to grab another can of beer when I feel my arm being dragged to the pool area.

"Come on Giules, truth or dare is about to start," slurs an equally drunk Alyssa.

Usually, I would object to a game that provides an opportunity to demean me, but tonight feels different somehow. That is, maybe I won't make a complete fool of myself; knock on wood.

Alyssa clumsily sits herself down first on the edge of the pool, dipping her legs in the water. I follow in suit, taking a seat next to her and Jake. I lightly skim the top of the water with my foot, relishing the cool sensation on my skin. After several seconds I decide to submerge both of my legs into the water, kicking them lightly to create small ripples.

I get lost in my train of thought, continuing to mindlessly kick the water. Suddenly, I feel droplets of water landing on me. Thinking that it's starting to rain, I look up at the cloudless sky. But I have little time to be confused because a big splash of water comes my way, soaking my hair and the top half of my dress. I look up to see a laughing Brooks, shaking feverishly and throwing his head back.

"Are you okay?!" I yell out to him slightly annoyed, the alcohol fuelling my emotions.

"I'm more than okay actually. Your reaction was better than I expected."

Before I can retaliate, Reid shoves Jake to the side to make room for himself. He slings his arm over my shoulder and tries to bring me closer to him. I struggle to relieve myself from his grip, but he's too strong.

I snap my neck to face him. "What the hell is your problem?" I whisper angrily at him.

"I'm showing Ryland that you're mine and that he can back off," he responds through a forced smile.

"You're unbelievable," I scoff after finally shoving his arm off of me.

Throughout this whole exchange I could feel Brooks' eyes on us. I turn to look at him across the pool and I think I see a flicker of jealousy on his face. I give him a small smile of reassurance to show him that it was nothing. But I don't think he takes the hint because he just turns his head and begins talking to the blonde girl next to him, Mariah.

Mariah of course loves the attention she's receiving from the hottest guy in school and is milking it. She flashes her bleached smile and tosses her golden locks over her shoulder. She uses her perfectly manicured hands and runs them down his chest, Brooks leans in closer whispering something into her ear to which she responds with a flirtatious giggle.

I am not usually a jealous person, because I've never had anything to be jealous about, but seeing him with her is making my tummy feel funny. But I'm hoping it's just the Mexican I had for dinner.

Once everyone who wants to play are centred around the pool, Alistair announces that it's time to begin. Because it's the 21st century, instead of using a bottle to pick people, we put everyone's names into Alistair's phone on a random generator app. Alistair plays first.

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