Chapter #3 Her home

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As i got out of  the taxi for some reason, i thought this girl's house would be a mansion,oh how i was wrong don't get me wrong is a nice house but it wasn't how i expected. the house was a white little two story town house with a front porch and a front yard. as i walked up to the house's front door i noticed something strange there were plants covering each side but what was weird was some of the plants were dead and the others looked like they have been planted yesterday all healthy and green.

 did they just select which ones to water and then neglect the other ones, so weird. i finally decided to knock on the door. knock once no answer. knock twice still no answer knock three times "hey sorry i didn't hear your first two knocks". how did she know that?,this day just keeps getting weirder and weirder. "would you like to come inside she says in a desperate tone. "yeah you don't want to be leaving your guests out in the cold" I say jokingly. she has a confused look i guess see docent get it."anyway"" i say as i am stepping inside the house where do you want to start the p...... i trail off.

 I was to fascinated by the interior of zelena's house. the house looked like a old lady's  house or what you see in the inside of an antique store it had green walls like that old fashioned green people  used and everything was made out of wood the chairs ,the tables everything oh and for some reasons this place has tons of angel oil paintings this family must be pretty religious.  but there was one thing that looked out of place besides the angel paintings, was the door to the basement I assumed it was the basement. it was black and old fashioned too but it has like an essence coming off it i couldn't quite put my finger on it. "what's in there" I say pointing to the door. "oh thats the basement.we can go anywhere in the house just not in the basement even i am not allowed in there". she says kinda a matter of factly. 

 "so shall we head to my room to start the project" "yeah ok" I say. as we head upstairs which by the way the stairs were wooden. I walk into her room and low and behold there are tons of angels but there statues which makes it even more creepy. "so ah whats up with all these angels? i say causally. "oh i guess you noticed she says blushing. "yeah kinda hard not too" i mutter. "this is kinda of embarrassing but my family have an obsession over them" "that reminds me" i say changing the subject "where are your parents?

 "in heaven they died in a car crash 5 years ago it's just me and my aunt now" she says like she isn't distraught. "oh i am so sorry" i say  sympathetically. "its fine, they passed 5 years ago so i kinda got over it" how can she get over a parents death?! you can't get over a parents death! I mean sure you can learn to coup but you never truly get over it. ok so why the obsession over angels and why does your downstairs look like an old antique store is your aunt like super old or something no offense". "hahaha to answer your question my aunt and I  like angels because of what they represent power and guidance. and your second question my aunt is actually only in her 40's and she is actually pretty cool we just bought the cheapest house on the market because we move around a lot and it so happens to look like the inside of grandmas house" "ok that make's  sense so what does your aunt do that makes you guys move around a lot"

 this time she was hesitate like she had to think before she answered the question this made me think that she was lying. "My  aunt works from home down in the basement for a manufacturing company and we don't move around alot because of her job we move around because.... you know what i thinks its high time we actually get to work on the project don't you think? "oh yeah we should probably... hey wait you said that know one is aloud in the basement not even you so how do you know what's in there"? " I never said i don't know what's in there i said i am not aloud  in there and btw all i know is that my aunt works in there okay so, lets just work on this project and stop asking me questions she say defensively. just as we were about to start to work on the project i hear a car pull up in the drive way. "my aunts here  come down  i want you to meet her. " ok" we get up and head downstairs. 

Ok so i know the only person who is actually reading this is Megan so hi but if any brave souls want to come and read this then go ahead but,I  would totally prefer that if you want to write a comment make it clean and don't be like "this story is stupid" bc it just shows how intelligent you are cough (not) and how low your IQ is so, basically if you want to write a comment answer this question bc i have no idea if i should keep it as is, meaning Cassie  wont see angel academy until at least chapter 6 i don't really know or should I  speed things up a bit put your input also this is my first authors note btw this totally original and i did not steal the idea from anyone  it came straight from my messed up brain and personal experience's bc i am an angel from heaven jk but seriously let me  know what you think peace out Shelby xoxox <3

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