Chapter#29/ Epilogue

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"NOOOOOOO" I hear a sharp feminine shriek come from behind me. I turn around to see head master Kate covered in tears hunched over the kings body. "y-you monsters" she says sobbing. she wipes her tears with her hand, and slowly stands up, sword in hand. 

"IM GOONA KILL YOU" she charges at me with murder in her eyes. before she even takes a couple of steps towards me. she is pushed back. "What is this" she finally comes to realization.

"ahahahahaahaha" I couldn't stop laughing. this was too good. "ha oh Zelena I love you" "ha" she chuckles "I love you too Cas" once again the barrier dust strikes back and its caught a very interesting victim. 

"y-you USED MY OWN TRICK AGAINST ME??" yep thats exactly what I did" Zelena says pleased with herself. "I can still get out of this" she starts to act like a mime. I Burst out laughing again. I look over at Sage who's giving me a very worried look. I stop laughing and walk over to him. 

before I could even say a word. he brings me into a warm embrace. kissing my neck my forehead and then finally my lips. a soft kiss of relief. "you scared the absolute shit out of me" he whispers in my ear. "that was the goal"  I whisper back. we break away for a second. "did you think I was actually going to give you up after everything we've been through" "N-no but you put on a good show acting like it" I had to make it belevable or else he would have seen right through me" he smiled then noting my genius. I looked into his eyes. those same dark emerald eyes that i feel in love with. I put my arms around his neck and bring him to my lips. we may be young but thats ok in a world with demons and angels most people don't even live till 30 so you have to take the most risks and challenges and live your life to the fullest. 

Zelena- I stare at Cassie and Sage for a moment. they've been through so much in so little time. and as young as they are,  they've still managed to pull through.  it got a little creepy when they started making out. So, I turned back to the  task at hand. this bitch my aunt. "ugh I still can't believe we are even related. " neither can I, sweetheart" I roll my eyes.  my Aunt is still trying to get out. "ugh you of all people will know that this barrier is impenetrable" I know I've been counting till it's 10 minutes" ill need less than that" I grab my revealed dust and sprinkle it on the barrier. before she can even run I grab her hand. using make shift wrist ties I made from scraps of my clothes. I head toward the dungeons. 

6 months later..

I grab Sages hand. guiding him toward the fountain in the court-yard. "come on slow poke hurry up" I'm hurrying" we finally reach the fountain. after re-building everything and cleaning up everything Angel Academy was good as new. except for one thing. I lift up the sheet. 

revealing a new fountain. Sage is in Awe. after the war Angel acdemeny was in tarnish without a new master and blood everywhere someone had to be in charge. So I took up the deal. you mean we. yes Sage and I decided to become the headmaster and headmistresses of angel academy. of coarse that didnt sit well with the students. "a demon running a Academy for Angels!! "the Demon King might as well control us" to stop this feud. we proposed a new law.

 any Angel who wants to become a Demon and any Demon  who wants to become an Angel is free to. no longer was the whole realm sexist. no longer were boys classified as Demon's and girls classified as Angels now anyone can be who they want to be" The plan succeeded and within 3 months Angel Acdemeny was no longer a all girls school. luckily most of the goth dark Angels like Megan left to go to hell. and we didn't lose a lot. everything worked well. 

Relationships were blossomed. and the whole 5 steps rule was taken to burn in hell. Zelena contuinued  her work as a Achlemy teacher and became the head of Alchemy. as for Soarth, Evan became an Angel and with staff running low became the new teacher of deception which is a very popular class by the way. Soarth continued as a student. well actually we all are still students still learning everything we can but just with some perks. Soarth became the bow instructor teaching new comers and people who generally suck. Soarth and Evan would occasionally head to the human world on vacation to London. which was awesome for me because Soarth would bring back souvenirs for me.

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