Chapter#4 /her Aunt

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Ok so this girl has some flaws like her family no parent's. instead she lives with her aunt who works down in a basement. which raises my self esteem level a bit. but i still feel different around her. "Zelena darling I am home!!" she calls aloud "where are you"? "i am right here" Zelena says. "oh my dear niece how was your first day at school?" "great I actually made a new friend" "more like acquaintances" i chid in. "oh, and who might you be?!" she asks.

 now that i am close up to zelena's aunt she looks way younger than 40 i would guess in her mid 20's and she has vibrant blonde hair just like Zelena it must run in the family, her eyes are the same too but they have a certain look to them like thier older and wiser and for some reason she has this expression that shows that she kinda already knew who i was.

 "I'm Cassie.Cassie lance"i smile.  "well Cassie, it is so nice to meet you my name is Evangeline Kate and if you need anything come talk to me i will be down in the basement working please knock on the door first" she's say getting ready to go down to the basement." uhh i'm curious."  i say. hmmm" she says. "Zelena already told me a little about you but umm what do you do for work?! Zelena pales. "i work in real-estate" she says. "really cause zelena told me..... "i musta got your last job mixed up with your new one uh we should probably head upstairs to start the project" "right, well it was nice to meet you miss Kate" "i say to Miss Kate. "you too dear" we start to head back up stairs.

 "oh and Zelena, come talk to me in a few minutes in private" "ok i will" we head back to Zelena's pretty pink angel  statued bedroom.  "so ah Kate" i say confused. "huh"? "your aunt's last name is kate." "oh yeah when my mom got married she kept her maiden name. and my aunt never got married so she still has her maiden name." oh, i see"  "so i am going to go use the restroom ah where is it? "down the hall to your left" "ok thanks" little does she know i am not going to the bathroom i am going to find out what is up with this family i just have to wait for... 

"Zelena please come down here" that. "ok" i peeked out the door of the bathroom to see if she went downstairs. she did. i slowly creep down the stairwell one wrong move and my cover's blown. I made it just in time to see that the door to the basement just closed. i put my ear to the wall and listened. "is this the girl we've been looking for" 

"i think so she matches the description we just have to wait to see if she is ready" what do you know so far?" she seems like an ordinary freshman just trying to get an education but she did seem a little skeptical she kept pestering me with questions about our family" 

what did you tell her" nothing i just".... i can't hear anything anymore maybe i should get a little closer probably maybe go inside the basement its a risk but ill take it.i opened the door slowly careful not to make a sound and hid behind a crate. "

 we can't let her find out about us not until we know she is the one" what can i do?! "become her friend find out about her family see if she matches up with the Cassie we have on file. what. ok this is weird i have to get out of here these people our crazy i could be the one? what does that even mean just then i bump into the crate.

"who's there Cassie come out now" well i can't run now i slowly get up and walk over to them. "how  much did you hear" she says in a intimidating voice. "snippets" i say my voice quivering.  "so everything" miss Kate says. "yeah pretty much".  "great..sigh well there is no hiding it now zelena get her file." tells us about your family" " I live alone both my parents are taking care of my brother  who is autistic my sister has her own family".' what do they look like" "my mom has red hair and brown eyes my dad has blonde hair and blue eyes  both my sister and brother have strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes which is strange because i have....... "alright she matches up " zelena says while closing the file. "Cassie have you ever considered that you were adopted." 

Hahahahaha it feels great to finally feel the power of an author especially writing cliff hangers bc i know what happens and you don't ok i am out peace xoxoxo Shelby <3

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