Chapter #5 secrets

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Me adopted. I guess it make's sense,all through my life i thought that i never fitted in with my family. "Cassie have you ever thought of having a more exciting  life did you ever feel that you had a purpose in this world?" Mrs Kate said. "i wish i had a more exciting life its kinda boring living alone, and as for purpose,well everyone has a purpose i guess my purpose was to live on this earth and i guess wait for a sign so i can go forward" well, we are your sign" "there is something you need to know" ok" i said kinda  out but also interested. "your biological parents are not from this world" your joking right what's going on" Cassie i know this might seem crazy but you need to hear this ..... we are angels" she said very calmly were it sounded like she has done this before. "so am i like an angel" Not yet but if you come with us we can show you the purpose that you are  destined to have in this world" well i am not ready to give up what i have in this world" Cassie you have nothing in this world your parent's are never there your all alone the best thing you can do is come with us" that's  when i started crying " you are wrong i have four amazing fiends'' if you stay here your friends will go to college without and you will never see them again". she then took my hand "Cassie look at me the best thing you can do is come with us you will love your new exciting life and you will feel like you have a real family" she then let go of my hand and i looked down and there in my hand was an amulet it had golden writing all over it and it was purple and it was glowing i then felt a heaviness like i am about to fall alsleep slowly my eyes started to close and i felt this grogginess "what have you down to me" i felt myself go limp and then everything went black. 

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