Chapter#12/escape pt2

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"Why not?!" I ask annoyed we start to walk the other way to his room.

"Because you just revealed yourself as a bargaining chip you will never be able to leave this place,didn't they teach u anything in Angel acdemeny" he says annoyed"
" they taught us how to not get suduced by a demon so I am a master at that" well you don't have to worry about that with me" he grabs a key from his pocket and unlocks a black door, inside is a huge bed fit for a king and all  around our huge bookshelves with tons of books in them.

"Wow and I thought I had a huge book collection" it's a hobby of mine my way of escaping from reality" same, it's nice to read about fictional characters lives to escape your miserable one" well your life may get a lot  more interesting if your stuck in this place any longer"

yep". Silence. He walks over to a little tray with a bottle of what appears to be wine and two glasses he pours  wine into  each glass and hands me a glass.
I step back rejecting it. "No thanks, I don't drink Alcohol I'm only 14.

"Ughh" he lets a burst of annoyance "there you go again with giving away personal information I swear to the devil that you are going to get yourself killed Cassie" drink the wine you are going to need it" for what?!" It's the underworld Cassie trust me" I tip the glass to my cold chapped lips the wine tastes bitter when it goes in but as I swish the liquid in my mouth it starts to taste sweet actually it's the best thing I have ever tasted.

The flavor Of the wine taste like a rainbow except it's tastes kinda of fruity. Before even thinking I start to chug it down and before even realizeing the glass is out out of my hand and is in sages grasp.

"I thinks that's enough for now" I frown that's was the best thing I had in my life. "Sage how old are you?" Without even hesitating "16" and do you like living here in the underworld do you like being Evans servant? I walk up to him my hand on his chest he's blushing.

He pulls my hand away and walks to the bed his back turned to me. "Of coarse I don't" then why are you here?" I walk towards him his back still turned to me" because that's how the world works Cassie girls are angels and boys are demons that's how it works and that's how it will always be"

but what if we change that?" I say in my sweetest voice. " what if your a guy or a girl you can become a demon or an angel no matter what your gender is?"

"Well then, I would love to live in that world I would become an angel if I had to chose" really?" "Yes" he turns to me his eyes bearing into my soul" do you know how hard it is to be accepted in the underworld to never be able to do what you want" I look into his eyes those deep emerald eyes and I said " that's how I felt when I was in the mortal world" and then we kiss.

Rule #1 A angel must never fall in love with a demon until the age of 21. Well broke that rule.

Rule #2 never let yourself get suduced by a demon. Broken.

Rule #3 getiting yourself involved with a demon will result in punishment. Yep I am deffentily getting punished.

Rule #4 eliminate all demons if nessary. It's kinda hard in my situation.

Rule #5 let yourself be free of all distractions and focus on your schooling. If they mean by schooling than they mean this magical quest I am on then I am deffentily free of all distractions.

I was thinking of all that while fiercely kissing this beautiful creature. A had my arm around him while kissing his soft warm lips.

We never let go only to stop for air. I have never kissed a boy before and to be honest this is a pretty god damn good first kiss.

He plops me down on his enormous bed kissing my neck my lips my forehead. I push him over and role on top of him kissing him he starts to take of my shirt I don't let him a grab his wrist and push him down into the bed making out with him we finally stop and I stare in his beautiful green eyes and roll next to him.

He smiles his head turning towards me "that was?!" "Amazing and I deffentily broke at least 5 Rules" hey live a little" he caress my cheek "you are beautiful" he leans in and kisses me. Just a peck.

"We should get some sleep I am actually really nervous to find out what Evan is doing to Soarth" she'll be fine" really have you met the guy" yep known him my entire life" don't worry she will be alright you'll see each other in the morning" now go to sleep my little angel he kisses my head and I nestle into his arms making it my home. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Hey guys sorry that this chapter is a little short ill make it up to You next chapter

Love Shelby

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