Chapter #7 Roomate

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Well you can't have everything I thought as I pushed open the door to my room. Inside was two queen sized beds the walls were all white with gold crown molding and on the bed closet's to the window was a girl laying on the bed she had a hour glass figure and golden blonde hair and pale skin she had a white dress that hugged her curves and she was sleeping soundly. Ok why are all the girls in this school are exceptionally gorgeous it just's blogges my mind. 

You got all these super pretty girls and here  I am dirty and looking terrible. I guess I haven't had a shower in a while, I should probably wake her up I assume she is going to dinner. "Hey sleeping beauty wake up" I say while nudging her. "Huh? She say's half asleep "what are you doing h.... She say's while trying to get up. Oh ahhh she tumble's from the bed down to the floor. "Are you... Okay? I say concerned. "Oh I musta dosed off for a bit you must be the new roommate she say's getting up while dusting off her dress.

 This girl is super cute and has a super sweet British accent ugh why . "Oh yeah I am" oh I am sorry you had to meet me like this my name is Sorath I came her fromEngland a week ago and I just came back form class and I thought  maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt I didn't know you were coming here today" "I didn't know I was coming here either" I said sarcastically "what? Oh they used the Bulla on you didn't they?" Yep" that musta  given you quite a fright to wake up not remembering what happend" yeah it was but, I am more focused on finding out what this is all about" I say gesturing to angel academy. 

"Yeah I have only been her for about a week and I still can't find my way around" well I suggest we get to know each other more over dinner I assume you are going right?" "yeah as soon as i get out of these ratchet clothes and take a shower" ok let me know when you are ready bathroom's is to your left" she pointed toward the bathroom. "thank's" when i get to the bathroom i shrug off my shirt and pant's and jump in the shower I never really appreciated how nice a hot shower was. it felt so good to finally get the doit and grim out of my hair and nails. and to finally be clean i let the hot water run down my body for a few minutes then i finally got out. wrapped in a towel i notice that a nice white dress is laid on my bed i tug off my towel and throw on the dress brush my hair and since i doubt people wear makeup here i went with a smile.

 I meet up with Sorath and together we walked to dinner or should i say a feast when we got there were piles of delicious food that i couldn't wait to bury my face in. I saw Zelena talking to a girl with black hair she noticed me and quickly walked over "oh Cassie you made it i see you have meet your roommate" yeah i wouldn't miss a chance to get free food'' i said totally ignoring the roommate question. "go help yourself to anything you like and sit wherever you want to all be around if you need me we will begin the toast in just a minute" she heads off to go chat with some other girls.

 "so uh how often do you guy's have these dinners?" not very often only when we have new angels to be" So is this dinner for me?" i ask while piling tons of food on my plate. "yes it is" wow i never had anyone celebrate me before" just then i hear a dinning. " attention everyone Zelena say's id like to introduce you too our newest angel to be Cassie" she gestures for me to stand up. "hi i am Cassie l... Everheart  i choke. i notice that half of the table is starring at me smiling with wide's eyes and the other half is giving me the death stare i guess every school has it's enemies. "ok now everyone we enjoy you meals" we all sit and chat i chat mostly with sorath we talk about our home life before angel academy and before we knew it everyone left. "i guess it time to head back" i say "yep we should probably go" we get out of our seats and head to our dorms. we talk for another hour and then we both head to bed and for once i slept soundly dreaming about my new life here in angel academy.  

Rushing bc i want to get this out tonight i hope you all enjoyed this chapter let me know if i should add anything Goodnight peace xoxoxo Shelby <3

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