Chapter #18/ False Alarm

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I hear the voice of our head master yell from what I'm guessing is the intercom "false alarm" uhhh after we finally make it to the spot we were suppose to go for a real fire which took us forever because we had no clue where to go luckily we followed our class or we would be running around school like chickens with our heads cut off which we might as well have been.

"uhhh bloody hell" I hear soarth scream with rage "we walk all this flipping way and its a false alarm uhhh" she throws her hands up in the air. I've never seen soarth this angry i mean I've seen her extremely happy and extremely sad but never angry so this is definitely a first.

"oh and on top of it we have to go back to class to take this bloody test that we probably will fail" wow she can really get pissed off. note to self NEVER.GET.ON.HER.BADSIDE.

"hey... " i pat her on the shoulder. "calm down it's not the end of the world" she rolls her eyes. "I know its not I'm just... really pissed off thats all" Yeah i can tell" i say sarcastically. she smiles. yay i got her to smile. I throw my arm around her. "come on lets head back"

after walking for ten minutes trying to find our way back to class... we finally made it. I set my stuff down and plop down at my desk. I then hear the sweet magical sound of a bell ring. "GOD DAMMIT" I hear soarth scream she grabs a chair and slams it hard on the ground breaking it.

wow for a small girl she really is strong. ah lucky for us no one saw her everyone already left. I look over at soarth she is so red in the face and i swear there are horns and steam coming from her head and ears. yikes.

"hey on the bright side now we don't have to finish that test and guess what its lunch time" i sing aloud. "your right" i grab her hand and we head to lunch.

we decided to skip lunch since we had a late breakfast and instead grab a drink from fly bucks. (yes i added a star bucks in here I'm sorry that I'm a typical white girl that loves star bucks LOL) we grab our drinks and decide to take a walk around campus.

my mind is flashing back to when zelena gave me that tour. now from the ground i realized that the acdemeny is so much bigger there's even a indoor swimming pool and the biggest library i have ever seen. Note to self make sure to explore that library and to go for a swim.

"wow i never knew the academy was so big there are so many amazing places here" "i know when zelena gave me that tour she didn't even show me the half of it" that's for sure" I say to Soarth. we both laugh.

"hey I didn't know Zelena gave you a tour" she gives a tour to all the new recruits" really?" hey can i tell you a secret?" yeah what is it" when we were up in the air i was holding on for dear life...i have a fear of heights" at that she bursts out laughing

"hey its not funny" yes it is.. Cassie do you realize why you are even in this academy?!" to become an angel" yes and with becoming an angel you get wings and with wings you can fly and when you fly you can fly very very high you following me?" yeah" Cassie you need to get over this fear of heights or else there really is no point for you to even be in this academy" i get it and ill get over it when the time comes"

speaking of when the time comes when are you going to start worrying about that prophecy?!" she nudges me. i slap her "like I said when the time comes". the bell rings... wow that lunch period didn't last long at all. "come on soarth its training time"

we get to the training room to see ms irons run up to us and hug us "I've missed you girls how was the trip?" great we.. killed some demons..met some demons" a image of sage flashes through my mind soarth see's it through our bond"we got captured by some demons..but uh lucky for us zelena and her crew helped us escape"

and miss irons we've been only gone for 2 days" I know but I've been so exhausted dealing with these newbie's you don't understand how relived i was to hear that my golden angels were back" i will never get use to that nickname ever.

"I am just so happy to see that you girls came back unscathed" I wouldn't say unscathed" i mutter. "so how are the rest of the girls doing?" uh there getting decent" I look around most of the girls are sparing and are doing pretty well i look at the archery range all the girls are holding there bows properly so thats an improvement.

"your doing a great job here. "and ill be doing a even better job now that you girls are here come on go get change i want to show you some new techniques"

we get changed into our suits and grab our weapons. "alright i want to show you girls two new weapons" she pulls out a throwing knife and a whip?? "is that a whip??" i call out. "yep we angels use whips a lot especially when dealing with demons" but first i want to show you how to use a throwing knife" she walks over to a target.

"Its basically like throwing a dart just aim for your target and throw" the knife lands right in the middle everyone is clapping miss irons takes a bow. "now your turn" I take a throwing knife and aim for my target and throw. it lands ..... right on target. "WHAT??" I'm astonished I am not good at any projectiles at all this is crazy. of coarse soarth lands it perfectly.

she looks over at my target "oh my angel Cassie you did it" I'm shocked too" we all our shocked" now lets see if you are good with the whip as well" she hands us a whip and demonstrates i follow.

i do it perfectly soarth on the other hand screams every time the whip hits the ground. "i think Cassie you should go with the whip and throwing knifes and your sword and ill just stick to my sword and bow and maybe ill have some throwing knife's on hand in case i am really in a pinch.

"sound's like a plan" i smile. "ok i think thats enough for now you guys can go help the rest of the girls.

we finish helping the girls which most of them need help but i think they all got the hang of it. the bells rings.. i am so exhausted.soarth looks like she is about to pass out. "great practice today miss irons we are going off to bed goodnight" goodnight girls see you tomorrow".

we finally get to our dorm room. I get changed into my pjs and crawl right into bed just as I'm about to fall asleep I get a knock from my door. "Cassie can you get it please" sure" i say groggily.

I open the door to find... zelena "oh hey Cassie just wanted to let you know that i spoke with my aunt who is the headmaster about the demons and your capture i didn't mention your fling don't worry. but i will not let your screw up go unpunished tomorrow you and soarth meet me at the cafe for breakfast and i will explain your punishment there have a good night" she walks off. I crawl back into bed. I didn't get any sleep that night.

I am just throwing cliffhangers left and right. haha btw I'm back bitches. be prepared for some shit to go down i have a lot of things in store. the usual you know the drill. I'm dead

goodnight love shelby <3 xoxoxo

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