Chapter #26/ Demons war

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I wake to to my lovers arms over me. I nudged closer to him. he stirs a bit I watch as his chest moves up and down his bare chest all for me. I trace the outlines of his powerful muscles. he is such a beautiful creature I think to myself. and he's all mine. I chuckle at the thought. I kiss his cheek and neck urging him to wake up.

I feel a soft breeze fall over me and then I feel a soft kiss pressed against my cheek and neck. I open one eye and see Cassie my beautiful angel looking right at me. A smile escapes my lips as warmth and love fills inside me. "is it morning already?! I asked my voice raspy.

"Unfortunately, yes I'm sorry" I say with worry in my voice. "aw don't be I'm glad its morning" "Why"I ask curious. "Because i get to wake up with you" are you kidding me?! did he really just pull that line.

I punch him jokingly "stop it with the cheesiness your going to make me blush" I can't help it, and you should be blushing after last night. "yeah that was....quite a night" another reason why i loved this demon so much. I kiss him passionately on the lips. he kisses right back. I roll on top of him. kissing his neck and nibbling on his ear. A moan escapes his lips. I pull up my head to look down at his face. a devilish grin on his face. Sage garbs my hips pulling me toward him a blush washes over my face as well as a gasp from the impact.

he quickly with skill's flips me now on top of me. That devilish grin still on his face. its is fitting since he is a demon after all but also kind of frighting. But, I knew i could trust him. he pulls my hair gently away from my face and kisses me. first a soft gentle kiss then a gradually more passionate and heated kiss. I gasp allowing his tongue to slip though.

A wave of heat runs through my body as his tongue massages my jaw. we stop kissing as his mouth travels towards my cheek then my ear giving me the same pleasure i gave moments before.

he travels downward towards my neck and then he gets to the space in between my breasts. I moan and laugh as his tougue graces the space. I grab his head and kiss him murmuring into his lips I love you so much. he gets off of me. and I nestle into his arms again closing my eyes.

"Cassie" "Cassie" mhm" I murmur in my sleep. "Babe wake up" I didn't want to wake up.I didn't want to face the world I just wanted to stay in this tent with Sage.

I feel powerful hands and arms go under me and then I'm floating. I open my eyes. "well now I'm awake. I look at sage he's carrying me in his arms. "this was the only way I could get you to wake up" he carries me to the table sitting me on it.

he walks over and grabs my clothes. he starts to put on my shirt but i snatch it from him. "I can get dressed myself you know" "I know but you were taking forever to wake up I figured it be easier if I just dress you" "it wouldn't, now shut up and go make breakfast" Alright he walks over to go cook breakfast.

I change into....not the clothes sage gave me but a black body suit that angels wear when going into battle. I exit the tent to find the smell of eggs cooking all around me.

which makes my stomach grumble. I sneak up behind sage wrapping my arms around his chest. "smells delicious" gah" you scared me. "so sorry" I say sarcastically. you do realize I could have dropped our breakfast you would probably have to eat me." that can be arranged" I say in a sexy voice my mind going back to last night. his mind probably doing the same.

"But, seriously if you drop our food or burn it! ill make you start all over again" Wow, your so demanding" he crosses his arms. I reach forward and kiss his cheek and whisper in his ear "only when its comes to food..other things I can be more lenient" he blushes. I step back "is breakfast almost ready?! "just a couple more minutes" sigh ok. I walk over to a log and sit down and wait.

while waiting for food I play with my necklace... necklace. thats right Zelena oh angel I hope they are alright. I close my eyes focusing on our bond.

"come on" Zelena you there?! Soarth!!. no answer. Zelena. i hear a faint raspy voice "Cassie?" I perk up Zelena! "Cassie!!" Zelena talk to me! no answer connection broke. I get up and run toward sage. "breakfast done?" its done" I snatch the plate from his hand and gobble down my food. "wow, your in a rush" Somethings wrong I tried to contact Zelena I heard a faint voice say my name twice and then I lost her. we need to leave now.

"Alright" he gobbles his food and then runs into the tent. I follow grabbing my bag. and taking my weapons belts,dust all the swords that were packed out of it. in ten minutes I was stacked with gear looking like a badass ready to kill some demons. Sage looked the same.

I tried to contact Zelena again. this time the connection was stronger. "Cassie?'' I'm here" oh thank the angel I got a hold of you. same here" Listen the demons..there here. and there destroying the academy there demanding for sage and won't stop until he's killed. Soarth is badly injured.

"is she gonna die" NO..I don't think so but, if she won't stop FIGHTING then that might be a possibility. anyway, Ive opened a portal in the lake where we first entered the human world go to it now. and please hurry we need you cassie your our only hope. "I'm heading toward the portal now ill meet you guys there" connection lost.

I quickly inform Sage of whats going on. and then we headed out.

its took us five minutes to reach the portal I caculalated. I made sage carry me the entire way because one I need my strength for the battle, two he is much faster than I am and three I was just plain lazy. I made sure first that I wasn't weighing him down on his speed. I asked him if he was ok" he said "fine" without hesitation or a grunt. which proves that I wasn't a burden to him.

we reach the portal. sages sets me down and then gives me a confused look "where's the portal?" At the bottom of the lake" he rolls his eyes "your kidding me right?!" nope come on lets get swimming".

I wasn't to keen on swimming today But, my people needed me and I had to make sacrifices. we finally reach the bottom of the lake and sure enough a light blue sparkly portal was at the bottom. sages gestures toward the portal by pointing at it . I nod and then give him a thumbs up. we hold hands as we swim though the portal....

Surprisingly, were not wet this time as we enter through the fountain in the middle of the academy. I take a breath gasping for air as I cling to sage. I look up, the sky is a bright red color and there are dead bodies and blood everywhere. I look in front of me to find 5 dark figures covered in blood. out of nowhere a demon comes running with a sword towards them without a second thought one of the figures takes out a sword from there weapons belt. and cuts the demon down in one fail swoop. my eyes widen at the action. they then sheath there blade. and with what little light left they come into view.

"Glad ya could make it" Zelena says.

in due time I may combine these next chapters into one but I want this part at least be published today and I don't really feel like writing the rest tonight because a hurricane is coming this weekend too yay no school for the next two days!! if the power docent go out then I will continue writing and hopefully have the next chapter done by the end of this weekend. if not well then you would know that my power went out and I wasn't able to write or I just forgot. more likely the second one Lol. again I am so sorry for my chapter being out so late its been almost a month since my last one but I wanted this chapter to be perfect since its suppose to be my last one but things change. and the reason this chapter is out so late is because I don't really know how to write a war. but obviously I do and hopefully it will turn out good I just have to believe in myself. again so sorry ill make it up to you in the next chapters and wish me luck with not dying from hurricane Matthew which is a category 4 hurricane by the way. so everyone have a good night and be safe.

Love, Shelbyxoxoxo<3

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