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I awoke to find Soarth laying on her bed. I again wake her and we get dressed and head down for breakfast. After piling tons of food on to our plate. Zelena runs over to our table "you guys the dean has accepted you to go on your first quest its a simple quest but I am told that you too our the star students of all your classes and the dean my aunt has chosen you too to go on a quest to the underworld with me of course to accompany you".
she say's very fast. "Woah slow down what are we doing" she takes a breath and speaks "you too are going on your first quest we leave before night fall to the underworld which is where demon acdemeny is held all you have to do is deliver this" she produces a sliver box with a key hole" what's in it? "No clue but I don't want to know"

"Alright you guys ready?" After going through our regular classes thinking about this quest non-stop we finally get to do this. We strap on our weapons and gear and head over to zelena. "How exactly do we get to this underworld?" "Through the mortal world" I say to Soarth "that's was very vague" she nods . " come on"
she grabs our hands and takes us to the fountain in the middle where I was cured from my amnesia. She takes out a coin and throws it into the fountain "zelena you just wasted a perfectly good coin" Soarth says annoyed. "Shh wait patience" I watch as she say's a encanter "thou I call upon please take this coin as an offering and grant us access to the mortal world so we can begin our quest" I watch as the water swirls into a portal. "Jump" What"?

"This is our own  way o the mortal world come on" she dives into the water and so does Soarth. I back up a bit and run into the portal what's the worst that can happen.

I'm at the bottom of a lake. Great. I see Sorath and Zelena at the top of the water." I swim up to them. Zelena see's me and smiles." Shall we?" We swim to shore. I grab my drenched hair and squeeze the access water out. "Ugh why did it have to be water" what's wrong with water?" Zelena asks confused. "Everything it gets my clothes all wet my hair it makes everything sticks to each other Ughh I hate it"

huh cry baby." She starts to take off her shirt."what are you doing?" Makeing my clothes dry" she takes her shirt and squeezes out water. Soarth does the same and I follow." where are we?"I ask."some where in the United States I don't know much about the human geography" oh great" I scan the horizon.

It's getting dark we should camp here for the night don't you think Cassie" Soarth says."yeah we should" I've never been camping before so this should be interesting. "Alright we leave at daylight everyone gets some sleep". She pulls a blanket out of her backpack that I didn't even know it was there. She shakes the blanket and a huge tent appears." Woah the perks of being an angel" yep it's the best minus the fact that you always have to watch your Back especially in the mortal world" I walk inside the tent it looks like the inside of a genie lamp or what I thought the inside of a genie lamp might look like.

The beds were hammocks and there were three golden lamps on each side the walls were pink and there was a wooden table filled with fresh fruits and nuts."what about meat?" I asked. "You can't have everything" come on let's eat and then head to bed its getting late and we need to leave as soon as the sun comes up". I grab tons of fruit and nuts and garble down everything Soarth and Zelena do the same. We then parted ways and tucked into our separate hammocks.

I woke up to the smell of fried eggs. I get out of bed and head outside to see zelena holding a pan over a fire. "Ugh what time is it" Cassie your awake come on the eggs are almost ready" she finshed frying the eggs and then pulled three plates from her backpack." Does that backpack ever have a bottom?"

"Nope it's magically infused where it can produce endless supplies" wow" we all reached for the eggs and ate. They tasted extremely hot but I was hungry So I didn't complain about my scorching tongue.

Zelena gets up and holds out her hand "let's go" where to" the entrance to the underworld is in a cave just 5 miles by walk" so we should get going". No one talk the entire walk until we got to the entrance of a small cave. "It's so small" wait till we get inside" we walk into the cave it's starts to get dark and soon it get pitch black. Zelena pulls out a glowing stone which lights ourl way.

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