Chapter #6 Welcome to Angel Academeny

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Darkness  is all i saw for a while, just black no light. but, then i started to see light at the end of this  long dark tunnel of black. I heard voices.... Female. the light started to grow until i opened my eyes for real. "you shouldnt  have used the bullas, it is to only be used when they refuse to join" said a girl my age.

 "she was refusing" said a older women "if we talked to her more we would have persuaded her to join" said the girl. she then looked at me straight in the eye "look she is coming to" i then fully opened my eyes and took in my surroundings, we were in a hallway, on the left side was a 2 feet wall the rest was opened the wall's looked ancient with a white color but they also had a modern feel to it.

 I felt a strong grip on my arm's thats when i realized what my situation was. "where am I?who are you" i said freaking out. "you see this is why we should have talked to her more she would have come here peacefully but sense you decided to take the harder path now we are stuck with a girl who docent remember anything". "Relax my dear niece we were on a time crunch come on we are almost to head quarters".

  when, we finally reached head quarters after many minutes of silence or was it seconds I don't think i remember time ether. Head quarter's was a big open space with clouds as the  ground and in the middle was a big fountain pouring not water but a gold simmering substance. and all around were people but they had wings flying around then there were people holding school books talking to one another. "ok, what the hell is going on? i said a little to loud were everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

 "Newbie,continue what you were doing" the girl said cheerfully  everyone went back to what they were doing. We stopped at the fountain where the girl produced a cup out of thin air, and filled it with the mysterious gold liquid. "drink it" she said sternly. "what is it?" "just drink it  it will help you remember" she said. I put the cup to my dry chapped lips and took a sip. it tasted warm with a mixture of flavor's i couldn't begin to describe. i took another sip and begin chugging the cup was grabbed from my hand

 "careful to much of that stuff on your first go could potentially make you explode." she said happily. "i'm sorry Zelena i didn't ...... Zelena. just then all my memory's of what happened flooded back to me  Angels, adopted, blackness, amulet everything. "you know you didn't have to drug me" i said annoyed. "yay  Cassie is back, come with me i will show you around as well as explain why you are here" she grabbed my arm gently and guided me to a flight of stairs that magically appeared we walked up to a balcony where i could see everything

". so explain?" i said. "ok do you want the short version or a long lengthy version that I really don't have time for" i guess my only choice is the short version" so as you can see we are angel's well except the people without wing's, this here is called angel academy where angels to be train and learn the responsibility of becoming an angel you are on that path" not by choice" i mutter. "shh don't interrupt me" an Angel's job is to protect mortal's from demons and to make sure humans are on the right path to greatness" that basically sums it up" so this is  basically angel school" correct you will take multiple classes for 4 year's and if you are lucky you will get to go on a quest" what type of classes do i have to take" you will find out once you get your schedule tomorrow.right now here" she produces a huge handbook. "this is the Angel Academy official hand book" i almost lost my balance from how heavy this book is. "if you turn to page 1 it should say the top five rules you need to follow 

1. A angel must never fall in love with a demon until the age of 21

2. Never let yourself get suduced by a demon

3. Getting involved with a demon will result in punishment

4. Eliminate all demons if need be 

5. Let yourself be free of all distractions and focus on your schooling. 

I read them to myself. " it seem's to me that falling in love with a demon is a common thing in this school. this should be a piece of cake" Hahahahaha demon's are not ugly disgusting creature's that your mortal textbooks describe them as " Demon's are hot guy's with black wing's and they are the most sexiest creatures out there" 

whoa ok now i get it" yeah alright there is a school map if you ever get lost but ill give you a quick tour of the school". out  from her back spouts white glowing wing's with gold rim's at the edge. ah that's better" she grab's a hold of me and lift's off from the bacolny. this is when i learn my fear of height's" I am litterly  holding on for dear life with my eyes closed. "your kidding me right, your safe I've got you, look down this is how i begin my tour"  I looked down. 

Angel academy is absolutely massive it's like a castle all white and glowing. she descend's down a little showing me the cafetiera which is open and huge people holding floating plate's of delicious food and cup's filled with different drink's this is so much better than home. "our food is top notch right" i don't know it look's delicious but look's can be deceiving" take my word for it you will not be disappointed" we then went to the lounge/study hall where teenage girls sat on beautiful couch's and there were ton's of book shelves' well i know where i am going to be everyday" In class i hope" she says. yeaaah in class" i say sarcastically.

but ill probably be in class everyday i don't even want to know what detention is here. she then show's me this huge tower of classroom's each with a glittery sign of what class it was. "this is probably where all your classes will be for the first year" ok hey i have a question, how come all the student's are teenage girls and there aren't any boy's around."

 because all angels' are girls it alway's has been and it alway's will be same with demon's all boy's because boy's are jerk's and evil at heart. "i see,the first rule say's A angel must never fall in love with a demon until the age of 21 what is up with that?" "until, a angel turn's 21 she can't become pregnant with a child or fall in love with a demon it's the rules." so after an angel turn's 21 she can have kids?" yes, and depending on the sex of the baby it can become either a angel or a demon but, is then taken from the parent's and brought to the mortal world until recruiter's come and take them here"   to be honest that is kinda sexist" if you don't like our way's you can take it up to the dean which by the way is my aunt and she docent like to hear that our tradition has been insulted" yeah ok ill shut up now" the  tour is almost over i just got to show you to your dorm's "where do i get my schedule?" the same as a normal school the office just go up there and say your angelic name. "what's my angelic name?" Cassie Ever heart" "oh" Cassie Everheart it kinda has a nice ring to it. "ok we are here, come down to dinner when you are all settled in your room it   has everything you need a school uniform toilet tree's all you need." ok thank you you so much" oh and i forgot to mention you also get a roommate good luck" 

man that was a lot of writing my brain hurt's i hop you have enjoyed this series so far i have big plan's for it. xoxox Shelby <3

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