Chapter Five : Chinese Food.

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*Sophie's POV *

I threw down my mail on the counter, pulling a bottle of water from the fridge and sighing. Today had been a long day at work, mostly because I was so tired. I had stayed up all night on the phone to a crying Victoria. She'd woken up to find Tom gone and seemed to think he was having an affair. I tried my hardest to convince her otherwise. He would never cheat on her. She asked where he could be and I replied he was probably with Max, Siva, Nathan or Jay, his best friends. She had sighed and said she was going to sleep. I told her not to worry, he would contact her soon.

“You have to call her, you know.” I said. Tom grumbled and took a sip of his cola. He called me last night, they'd apparently had a blazing row and he decided to have a break from her. He'd said it would be just a couple of nights maximum. “What have you done with yourself today?” I asked, sitting beside him and slipping off my shoes. “I've been on my laptop, looking at some stuff.” He said. “Wedding stuff?” I asked. He shook his head and didn't respond with an answer. I decided to leave it. “Shall I cook us something?” I asked. “We should order Chinese, like old times.” He said. I nodded and found a menu.

Half an hour later, we were sat, eating and laughing at one of our old favourite television shows. “Remember our old little secret language?” Tom asked. I smirked and looked across at him. “How could I forget?” I asked. “It got a bit confusing didn't it?” He chuckled. “A bit?!” I joked. We both laughed at the memory. We'd change the letters of words around, so hi, my name is Tom, would have been, ih, ym eman si Mot. And you have to say it that way too. Tom was still chuckling to himself. “We fooled so many lecturers.” He said. I nodded. “Mrs Fisher was the best.” I commented. Tom almost choked on his rice. “Can I go to the ool?” He quoted. I laughed too. “How didn't she realise that was 'loo'?” I asked. He shrugged. I smiled and looked down at the table. “Ooh, fortune cookies!” I said. I grabbed mine and cracked it open.

Your heart is the place to draw true happiness.

I read it aloud and laughed, placing it back on the table. “Open yours!” I encouraged as I crunched on the cookie. Tom leant forward and opened his, a smirk appearing on his face.

Marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life.

I looked down and sipped my drink, picking up my meal again. “Can you excuse me for a minute?” Tom asked. I nodded and turned back to the television. I knew he was going to call Victoria.

He returned and sat down, putting his shoes on. “I called Victoria, she asked me to go home.” He said. I was shocked. “Oh... okay.” I said. “Thank you for everything.” He said. I nodded and put my tray onto the table, the food was cold now anyway. He pecked my cheek and left. I stood, alone, in my apartment, staring at the door. That's what we were now, a closed door.

The next morning, I woke to a text message.

Sorry about last night, I'll see you soon, T x

I pushed my glasses further up my nose and sent a quick reply.

That's fine, hope everything is okay now.

He didn't reply. I threw my phone into the sheets. Suddenly, it began ringing. Crap, now to find it. I searched and searched.

Victoria calling...

I sighed. “Hello Victoria.” I tried to put on my happy voice. “Hello, love. Tom came home last night. He was at Siva's, they had a poker night. Just thought I'd let you know.” She sounded happy. “Ah, good.” I said. “Are you free this weekend?” She asked. I groaned inwardly. “I'm not sure, I have to check my-” She cut me off. “Then go check idiot!” I grumbled and got out of bed, finding my diary in my handbag. Darn, no plans. “I'm free.” I said. “Goodie!!!! You can come to the boat house by the sea with Tom and I. Ooh, and ask your little friend... Ana is it?” I smirked. 'Little friend.' “Yeah, Ana.” I said. “Yes. Bring her. Toodles, babe.” She hung up the phone. I sighed and dialled Ana's number to inform her of the good news.

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