Chapter Four : Drunken Birthdays.

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*Sophie's POV *


I applauded as Victoria took to the stage, a grin on her face. The bar was full of her friends, some I knew, some I had no clue of. “So, tonight, we are here to celebrate my birthday.” She said. I looked across at Ana who was glaring up at the blonde on the stage. She saw my smirk and came over. “Sorry, I know she is your best friend but... I hate her.” She told me, shaking her head. I laughed and patted her arm. I understood. I understood loud and clear. “Now, raise your glasses.... to me!” Victoria said into the microphone. Everyone did as they were told and she flounced off of the stage, flipping her curls over her shoulder. She disappeared into the crowd and I turned back to Ana. “Why does she still think after all these years, that she is God's gift?” Ana asked. I smiled. “Oh, Ana. Never change.” I said. She smiled and shrugged, heading off to the bar.

I sipped my drink when someone wrapped their arms around my waist. “Good evening.” The voice was familiar. “Thomas.” I said without turning around. “Lucky guess.” He said. I shrugged with sarcasm and we laughed together. “It's been a long time.” He noted. I nodded, taking another sip to calm my nerves. “Indeed.” I confirmed. “So, how have you been?” He asked, sitting down in the booth beside us. I joined him and told him I was well and had been promoted to a better role at my job. He smiled and looked down into his glass. “And Victoria keeps me updated on you both, so there's no need to tell me anything.” I didn't mean to sound so harsh but the words came out like vomit. I blame the alcohol. He blinked and smiled, not noticing. “Darling, there you are. I've been looking all over.” Victoria said, stumbling over to us. The huge diamond on her left hand sparkled as she clutched her cocktail. “Hello.” I said. She hadn't acknowledged me yet. “Soph!” She said, throwing herself at me. She smelt of alcohol. I couldn't blame her though, it was her birthday. “It's so nice to see you.” She said between drunken hiccups. I smiled a fake smile and looked across at Tom, silently begging him to take her home before she got ill or made a fool of herself. He understood. “Come on, Vicky. It's time to go.” Ah, he was the only person she allowed to call her Vicky. To everyone else, even her parents, it was Victoria. “No, no. I'm staying, the night is young, as am I.” She said, giggling as he tried to help her up. “Stop it, stop it, that tickles! Stop it!” She screeched. I turned away. She was trying to make a scene so people would come over and stop him.

“Soph.” Ana was stood the other side of the booth, holding out a drink for me. My eyes widened in a thankful manner. Tom's expression changed. “Are you... going?” He asked. I looked at him, confused. “I thought you'd help me.. get her home?” He bit his cheek as Victoria suddenly slipped into a drunker state, how, I have no idea. I sighed and looked at Ana. “Okay.” I never could say no to him, no matter what he asked me. I apologised to Ana who nodded and walked away, trying to find one of Tom's friends. “Come on.” I said, grabbing one of Victoria's limp arms. She was a dead weight. “Lord.” I said. Tom laughed and agreed. “I'll get a cab, you stay here... keep her upright!!” He said. I nodded and tried my best to keep her on the stool. I honestly wondered how she wasn't on the floor yet.

Tom rushed back inside. “There's a cab waiting.” He said. He lifted her but it took both of us to get her outside. We piled into the taxi and Tom gave the address. I sat back, looking out of the window into the New York streets. Soft snores came from Victoria as her rested on Tom's shoulder. From the corner of my eye, I caught him looking at me before sighing and looking out of his window too.

We pulled up at an apartment, beautiful and clean with five steps to the door. He paid the driver and we helped Victoria out. “Don't puke, babe.” Tom told her. I groaned. I can't handle sick. We got her inside and Tom helped her to bed as I gazed at the interior of their apartment. It was beautiful, just like something from Sex and The City. Vintage, yet modern, expensive and just the right size for a young couple. I sighed and sat on the biscuit coloured couch, looking at each framed photograph of the couple. I imagined their children and felt the tears spring to my eyes.

“She's tucked in bed now. Bin at her side in case she needs to be sick too. Remember you taught me that in college?” Tom asked, walking into the living room. I smiled and nodded. I hoped he couldn't see the upset in my face. “Do you want a drink or anything?” He asked. “No, thank you.” I said. He nodded and looked at his hands. “It's really nice to see you again, Soph.” He told me. I agreed and turned to the window. “It's a lovely place you have here.” I had to change the subject. “Yeah. It's just the right size, for now.” He meant until their family grew. I swallowed but the sickly feeling remained. “I really must go. I have... plans tomorrow.” I said. He frowned. “I'm driving back home. It's a good drive. I need a good sleep.” I said. He blinked and smiled. “Okay.” He could see through my lie. I gave him a quick hug and left, rushing down their stupid five steps and hailing a cab, wanting to get as far away from there as I could.  

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