Chapter Ten : After All..

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*Sophie's POV *

I knocked the door, looking at my watch. I was late. Victoria was going to kill me. I tapped my foot impatiently. It opened, a beaming Victoria stood in front of me. “Hello! Happy birthday!!” She sang. She didn't realise I was late, obviously. I smiled and hugged her, smelling the perfume she had worn her whole life. Walking into the apartment, I sensed something wasn't right. “SURPRISE!!!!” Rang out in my ears, shocking me. Familiar faces filled the room, school friends, new friends, Ana, Siva, Tom's other friends. I shook my head. “How?” I asked Victoria. She looked over at Ana who shrugged and winked. I went straight over to hug her. “Thank you so much.” I said. She nodded and grinned. Tom walked over, handing me a drink. “Here you go, birthday girl.” He smiled. The doorbell rang again so Victoria rushed off to answer it. I sipped my drink and said hello to the guests, amazed that they'd all come here to see me.

Victoria returned, beaming. I frowned, asking what she was so happy about. She moved out of the way to reveal a huge bouquet of flowers with legs. Wait, no. Just a person hiding behind a HUGE, and I mean gigantic, bunch of bright flowers. I blinked. “Timothy.” I smiled when his face came from behind them. Tom walked away, offering more drinks around. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.” Timothy said, kissing my cheek. Ana looked at me with confusion before going off to help Tom.

Later that night, everyone was rather merry, including myself. Ana grabbed my hand and led me to Tom and Victoria's balcony overlooking the city. I shivered in the cold evening air. “Who is Timothy?” Ana asked. I carefully tried to think about my answer. “Erm...” In all fairness, I had no idea. “He's a friend of Victoria's brother's. I think. Victoria is trying to set me up with him as a date for her wedding.” Ana raised her eyebrows. She noticed I didn't mention Tom in the wedding part. I was still trying to forget it was him marrying her, stupid really. “And, do you like him?” She asked. I shrugged. “He's alright. I've only met him twice.” I said. She sighed and looked out at the view. “I'm falling in love with Siva.” She murmured. My eyes widened. “Ana... the girl who said she'd never fall in love with anyone.” I said. She laughed and pushed my arm. “With Siva it's... different.” She said. The door opened and Tom stood in the doorway, looking at Ana and I. It was obvious he wanted her to go inside. She sighed. “I'll take a hint.” She grumbled. Tom thanked her with a smirk.

“Happy birthday.” He said, handing me a small box. I smiled. “You shouldn't have gotten me anything! This party is enough. You and Victoria really went overboard with this.” I said. He tutted and told me to open it. “It's from me. Only me. Victoria doesn't even know I brought it.” He said. I swallowed and looked down. I unwrapped it carefully, something I always did. It always annoyed him. “Hurry, will you?” He groaned. I laughed and opened it finally, a small blue box in my palm. A silver band was inside, simple, yet beautiful. “Tom... wow.” I said. He smiled. “Do you like it?” He asked. I nodded and held it up, gazing at it's beauty. That's when I saw it. Wonderwall. Etched on the inside.


I walked through the corridor at college, many people shouting and having fun. It was my birthday and I was sad, feeling unloved and alone after no messages or calls from anyone but my family. Not even Victoria. I opened my dorm room door and put my bag on the floor. “Hi.” Tom said. I turned around after almost wetting myself. “Christ, you could have given me a heart attack.” I said. He shrugged and gave me a hug. “Sit.” He said. I sighed and placed myself down on my bed. “Happy birthday.” He smiled, handing me a cupcake with a single candle inside. “Make a wish.” He said. I closed my eyes and blew out the flame. When I opened my eyes, Tom was sat on my desk chair, a guitar in his hands. “So, I've been learning. And I decided to learn your favourite song.” He said. I crossed my legs and sat back against the wall, intrigued. He strummed the opening chords and I knew what it was automatically.

Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you. By now you should've somehow realized what you gotta do. I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now.

I was amazed at his voice and how wonderful he sounded. When the song ended I applauded as he bowed, knowing he was amazing. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” I said, hugging him. Ana walked into the room, balloons in her arms and a bag of takeaway food in the other. It was at that moment that I realised these two people were all I ever needed. No one else. Not even Victoria.

*Back to normal time*

 He noticed a tear in my eye. “Don't cry you idiot.” He chuckled but his voice was croaky too. “I can't believe you remembered that.” I said, surprised. “Soph, how could I ever forget? You're my best friend.” He said. I nodded and smiled as I clasped the bracelet onto my wrist. “Thank you.” I said, again, hugging him. “Don't worry about it.” He said. “Soph, Tom. Victoria is bringing the cake.” Ana said, ushering us inside. I figured she had been used as a decoy to get Victoria away. So Tom and I could have that moment ourselves.

Oh, how I love Ana. 

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