Chapter One : The Start.

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*Sophie's POV *


I slipped my glasses further up my nose and squinted at the front of the classroom, the teacher carrying on talking about work. I sighed and tried to find the page he was talking about. I was beginning to get more and more stressed. I just had a feeling he would call on me to answer a question when I had no idea what he was talking about. “So, Miss Hawthorne. What do you think of the whole subject?” I blinked. What subject? I went to open my mouth but no words came out. A voice from behind me spoke up. “Caesar was controversial due to his habit of taking all his soldiers with him to fight another fight before they had opportunity for respite from the last fray. Also, it was not popular with the hordes or the armies for Caesar to continue building roads and more roads because that left more distance for the armies to protect.” They said. I turned. It was a boy. “Right, thank you, Mr Parker.” Our teacher said, turning back to the chalkboard to write down our homework. I smiled at him and mouthed a silent 'thank you.'

After class, I looked behind me but the boy had gone. I sighed and collected up my things, putting everything back into my rucksack before walking out into the crowded hallway. “Hawthorne!” I turned to see the boy, rushing over. “Hey! Thanks for saving my butt in there, I was inches from a detention.” I smiled. He shrugged. “No worries. And, detention isn't that bad, you know.” He said. I had never gotten a detention, ever. And I didn't plan on getting one either. “My name is Tom, by the way.” He said, holding out a hand. I smiled. “Sophie.” I answered, shaking it. “So... do we have any other classes together?” He asked. I shrugged. “Guess we'll find out later.” He winked before walking away to some of his male friends. I sighed and looked at the time. Crap, I needed to meet Victoria.

Victoria is my best friend. Well... when I say best friend, I mean.... more of a... companion. She is the only friend I have. She is a slight bitch to me, but she loves me deep down, I think. She is the prettier one, the funnier one and she gets a new boyfriend every month. I guess in some ways, I envy her. Not her way with boys but her confidence. I wish I could be like her.

I rushed up the hallway, trying my best not to bump into anyone as I ran. I heard her signature giggle as soon as I opened the doors to the cafeteria. “Oh, Jeremy, you're so funny.” And yet again, another signature Victoria move. The flick of her blonde hair over her shoulder. I approached and Jeremy looked up at me, a frown on his face as if to ask, 'Who is this loser?' “Soph! Hi!” Victoria said, patting the seat beside her with a manicured hand. “Sophie, this is Jeremy. Jeremy, this is my bestest friend, Sophie.” He nodded and turned back to Victoria, changing the subject completely. I pulled out my juice carton and book, finding comfort in someone else's words and trying to block out the pathetic attempts at flirting being made by Jeremy. 

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