Jimin ~Star-Light Proposal~

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Dedicated JiminKookTae, but written for all to enjoy.

His P.O.V

"Oppa today was such a great day. I had so much fun with you and Yugyeom, we should hang out more." I listened to my girlfriend rant on about how we had a great day.

I was nearing out driveway, so I had to slow down to turn in. I pulled up properly and parked. We got out and I looked up at the sky. The stars twinkled brightly.

"Hey come on babe , let's go around back." I grabbed her hand and we jogged around through our grass to the back of the house. "What are we doing back here?"

She questioned. I remembered I had something in the car. "I'll be back." I raced to the car, got a blanket and came back. I felt to see if the accessory was still in my pocket.

When I got back, she snatched the blanket and layed it on the grass. She lied down and I sat next to her. "Look at the stars. They remind me of how infinite things in the world can be."

She sounded like my hyung, NamJoon. Philosophy and the aspects of life. Yuck! Anyway, I felt like it was the right time. I stood and pulled her up with me. "Oppa, I want to sit down." She whined.

"Who cares. I have something for you." She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "What?" "Well when you were talking about how the stars remind you of infinity and crap, it reminded me of how much I love you."

"Oppa being corny, never heard of this. I suppose you love me infinitely?" She chuckled. I sighed and got down on one knee. At that moment , I saw her cover her mouth.

"Y/N it's been a great year and a half with you. And I really want it to be infinity. Maybe kids soon. I know my career doesn't allow much time for us, but I promise that the time we get I'll make it the best I can."

I pulled out the little velvet box with the ring in it. I opened it slowly and revealed the ring to her. The twenty-one carat ring sparkled from the light of the many stars above."

"Y/N will you marry me?" I looked up at her and felt liquid falling onto my face. I saw tears flowing down her face and assumed it was a yes. She nodded. "Yes! Omg oppa, yes I will!"

She screamed and jumped up and down. I put the ring on her finger. I got up and she immediately kissed me. "I love you so much Y/N I can't wait for our great future." "I love you too Park Jimin."

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