Suga ~Miraculous Words~

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Dedicated to clairegrisham3, but written for all to enjoy. So enjoy! >_<

His P.O.V

"Sir stay with me. Stay with me." I could hear a man continuously saying. He placed his hand under my head and I felt him lift me up. Opening my eyes, I looked around and realized I was in the hospital. I mentally panicked not seeing my pregnant wife.

The last thing I remember before any of this was that we were on the road driving her to the hospital for her to give birth. We were on a four way intersection then my vision went blurry and my hearing worsened.

"Your wife is giving birth. You should go to her now." A doctor told me. I guess I wasn't as badly injured as I felt. A nurse escorted me to where Y/N was and I had gotten there just as the baby came out. "My baby." I started to lightly tear up as the doctor handed him to me.

"A healthy baby boy." He smiled. His tiny body in my adult hands, looked to adorable. "Hey Y/N look at our precious baby." I held him out to her. But she didn't take him. I hadn't noticed how she looked when I first came in.

She looked pale. They had set her up to some machines. One of them measured her heartbeat which was way to slow to be normal. I cradled the baby in my hands closely and kissed his head. Please, please don't leave me.

My wife's color had gotten a lot paler. Her breathing was slowed. She couldn't even open her eyes to look at me. She attempted to lift her arm and reached for me, but failed. Her hand went back down and she went still.

"Don't worry son, if mom doesn't make it. I'll take great care of you. "I went on and on talking to my son. I hope she'd be okay and would he here to raise our child, like we planned.

"Your mother will spoil you she'll always give you what you want. Completely opposite of me, I'll make you work for it. But honestly you're blessed she's the best mother anyone could have in the Milky Way Galaxy. I couldn't have asked for someone better even if I wanted to."

I had a good conversation with him about how his mother was excited once we got the news that he was on his way. She spent all her free time decorating the baby's room after we had found out the sex.

Even though he could speak or open his eyes yet, I knew he understood me. He hadn't cried once since I took him in my arms. I was in the middle of telling a story about how Y/N had one of her mood swings and got into an argument with NamJoon, when I heard a low mumble.

Looking back up at Y/N it seemed she was finally waking from her deep slumber. Her skin had gone back to it's original color and her heartbeat went back to normal. "Where did you, to kidnap my baby?" She asked turning her head towards me.

"Nope. I was here telling him about how much of a great mother he has and how you were going to treat him like a spoiled brat until he was like thirty." I chuckled. "Give me my baby fool." She reached out to me.

I rolled my eyes and handed her out son as she had managed to sit up. "He's so cute, he looks just like me." She squealed admiring him. "He looks like no one yet, lady." I had said before a nurse came in. She here to take the baby, wherever they take them after birth.

I kissed my son's head once before we let him go. "I love you, Suga." Y/N suddenly said from her bed. I ruffled her hair and smiled. "I love you too."

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