Three) Parks and Ice Cream

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   Lizzie's sister Maddie knocked once on her door and pushed it open without so much as a pause

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   Lizzie's sister Maddie knocked once on her door and pushed it open without so much as a pause. She had been expecting to see them making out or worse. Instead they were... playing video games? Freaks.

   "Beth, it's time for all the guests," she glared at Joel, "To be leaving now." Maddie said, clearly envious of their friendship. Joel had looked up at her sister, knowing his mother'd be upset if he wasn't downstairs in two minutes.

   "Yeah, yeah." Lizzie spoke, taking advantage of the distraction to get the last kill against Joel in Call of Duty.

   "Wha- Lizzie!" Joel feigned annoyance, grinning at her.

   "Ha! I won!" She said, then grabbed Joel's phone from beside him and added herself on Kik.

   "What'd you just do? Lizzie?" He asked worriedly, immediately checking his Twitter to see if she posted anything.

   "Kik me later. You have to go now, Joel. Your mum is waiting." Lizzie smiled at him. Joel smiled back and they got to their feet, hugging tightly and saying goodbye. That boy, Lizzie thought, is too perfect to be real. She sighed as he left, picking up her phone and waiting for the first message to come in. Which, she honestly didn't have to wait very long.

Joel Beans: Miss you already! c:

Lizzie Shadow: Miss you too, goof. :3

Joel Beans: We'll talk later, yeah? My phone's about to die.

Lizzie Shadow: Alright. Talk to you later! <3

Joel Beans: Yep! Bye! <3

   Lizzie frowned. What was the catch? This boy was perfect in every way! How? There must be something!

 What was the catch? This boy was perfect in every way! How? There must be something!

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   Joel stared out the car window. Of course he was infatuated with Lizzie. But he couldn't exactly act upon it. He had a girlfriend already. Granted, she was forced upon him by his friends, but he wasn't about to break the poor girl's heart.

   "Have fun, Joel?" His mum asked.

   "Yeah, mum. Thanks for inviting us, Miss Judy." He said politely, still staring at the cars passing by them. He had to figure out his stupid emotions before something went wrong.

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