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Fingers ran along my chest, and the feeling of hesitance made my heart tighten with anticipation. "Get up!" Her teeth nipped my ear. I couldn't see her face but I felt her lips, her skin, her body moulding into mine.

"Harry. Get. Up." Although her touch was soft her voice was harsh. A sharp pain rocketed through my stomach.

"Get Up!" She screamed. Her hands slammed down on my chest, her nails retched down on my skin. Searing pain erupted throughout my body and my mind was a haze of stars and lightening.

"It's not your time! Your sister needs you! The baby! The baby!" Her screams were ear puncturing, she slapped me hard across the face.

"1, 2 ,3... clear! 1, 2, 3!" I couldn't see her face but she looked beautiful, a faint glow radiated from her presence. She was on top of me, my skin was hot from the blinding ache.

"Wake up you son of a bitch! Wake up!"
It seemed as though the light from her was absorbing me, pulling me under in the most painful, but peaceful way.

"Look at me! Look at me!" Her nails still dug in my chest, her legs were kicking at my knees, she looked rabid but determined and when I finally looked at her, there was nothing but her eyes. They were dark, drawing, and I melted in their emptiness. They consumed me fully....


"There he is, he's up!" A woman's voice sang. Harry couldn't hear much, but he could hear her.

To him, she sounded like an angel, and although his hearing was fuzzed and impaired her words were as clear as day.

"Nurse Manning, I need you to close up his wounds as I finish with his leg. This son of a bitch is lucky to be alive."

Like his hearing, Harry's vision was useless. He zoned in and out, seeing colours like greens, and blues before sinking back into the darkness of sleep.


When his thoughts resurfaced and the pain was a dull ache his eyes peeled open. He surveyed the room. Table in the corner, blue walls, golden oak furnishing.

"Gemma." Was the first thing he thought of, and the first thing that fell from his lips. Harry's tongue was dry, and as he reached for the plastic cup of water on his bedside table he couldn't ignore the blinding pain that seared through his body. Pushing through the pain he gulped down the drink. "Gemma." He muttered again, before laying back down and breathing heavily.

"She's fine. The babies fine." The voice of a dream came from nowhere. Looking around the curtains he saw a shadow.

"I need to see her." Harry was nothing but persistent. Quickly he reached for the edge of the bed and tried desperately to pull his legs around. There was no such luck.

"For someone with a dislocated knee, torn shoulder, cracked ribs and a punctured lung you sure are frisky." Still her shadow was all he could see.

"Do you remember what happened Mr. Styles?" She asked, pulling back his privacy shades and revealing herself to him.

"Not one detail." His lips felt chapped, and his dry tongue couldn't help the cause. Looking at her was like looking directly at the sun; blinding and hopeful.

Harry's chest tightened at her appearance. Even though she was in the same scrubs he wore to work, she wore them better. Even though her hair was in a sloppy bun, and the lab coat she wore was plastered with filth, Harry was damn sure she was the most beautiful creature he had ever saw.

"Where is Gemma?"

"Mr. Styles are you aware that you got into a severe car accident and have been in an induced coma for roughly three days."

"I what!?"

"You were hit by a truck. Your car flipped a numerous amount of times. You body flew through the windshield, and for some reason you are here, alive, asking about your sister."

"She's pregnant."

"She's being taken care of." Harry could already tell that she was nothing like any other woman. She held her head high, looked down at him, but in the most sincere way. In this state of vulnerability Harry didn't feel pitied, instead he felt challenged. He admired that from the get-go.

"And my job?" He asked.

She sat at the end of his bed, she pushed her messy hair behind her ear, showing off the one to many piercings she had. "The hospital was informed, your leave of paid absences is already arranged. You have two months off. One for hospital care and one for rehabilitation. "

"What's your name ? And where am I?" He was astounded by her... dare I say... she took his breathe away.

"I'm Doctor Anna Farley. And your at St. Mary Center Hospital."

I've come to the conclusion that these chapters will range from 800-1500 words. That gives me short enough chapters to update frequently and long enough to be entertaining.

I hope you like it so far.
The plot kicks off now.

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