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Dr. Farley hated her last name. She missed the days where her name was Anna.
Dr. Farley reminded her to much of her mother, but then again that's who she'd become. Long days working, short days resting. Anna promised herself she wouldn't get distracted, and make her mother proud.. but at the cost of her happiness? Her health? This job was draining her, and although she loved it, she needed a break.

She had been doing it longer then Harry. Graduating high school at 14 and being smart enough to skip med school made her grow up fast. She had her Masters by 17. In the hospital by 18. And she'll probably have her PHD by 26.

She's been working since.

"Niall. How the hell did you get my number?" She grinned as she walked through her apartment door. No matter how smart Anna was, she could never be tidy. Curing a patient of stage 3 breast cancer was in her blood... picking her clothes up off the floor and making her bed was not.

"I might have caused a distraction, snuck into your office and stole your business card."

"You do know my business card is at the front desk and in the hospital pamphlets right?" Humour was laced in her voice and even though Niall couldn't see her she was rolling her eyes.

"Of course!"

"Your determination is flattering, but also slightly terrifying."

"Don't worry. I only kidnap on the second date, and kill on the third."

She couldn't help but laugh as she stripped off her clothes, trying desperately to remove her clothes with her phone to her ear. "Who said there'd be a first?"

"Well what do you think I was calling for?"

Anna liked talking to Niall. Every time he would visit Harry there was a smile on his face and interest in his eyes. He watched her like she was a piece of gold and that made Anna feel warm inside.

"Usually my calls pertain to some sort of funny rash or a swollen ankle that just won't go away. You know, being a doctor and all."

"Well I'm rash free, and my ankles are their normal size. So will you go out with me?"

They were welcomed with an uncomfortable silence. Anna paced in her room, nibbling on her bottle lip as she thought about her choices.

If she went on a date with Niall she would have fun, she would laugh, maybe kiss at her front door. But what's the point in embarking on something that wouldn't last? He's her patients best friend. She's a doctor. How could she uphold a relationship?

"I'm going to take the silence as a hard no. It's alright Dr. Farley- "

"It's Anna." She clenched, catching herself as she slipped on a lying around sock. "And I'll go out with you." It came out before she could even stop herself.

Maybe she was her mother, but not in all aspects. She will not block out the world the way her mother did. She will embrace adventure and spontaneity even if it is for one night, because that's more then her mother would ever do.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." She sighed before hanging up the phone.

When she went to bed that night she dreamt quietly and subconsciously of Harry, but when she woke up and went to work, flowers from Niall laid on she desk.

this is a book about harry and anna
and although they already have a strong connection they won't admit i want to draw this out as long as possible. i am a strong believer in "patience" and unlike my other books i want this one to feel real and I want their relationship to be addicting to read.

in due time. I promise.
more votes & comments more I update.

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