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She looked good sitting in his car. She was in tight jeans, with a large sweater that engulfed her whole body. It made her look like a teenager. The cold turned Anna's cheeks to rose, and her cuteness made Harry's stomach churn.

It was 6:30. Harry knocked on her door forty five minutes early, and they spent five minutes arguing about how early he really was. Anna was never early, in fact she took pride in being just a few minutes late. She liked having people wait on her, it was like she made an entrance every time. She was a bit of a narcissist in that way. She got that from her mother.

The music from his radio filled her ears. It was calming, but electric. It had a steady beat with just enough rhythm to be joyful. She was surprised how much she liked it.

"What's this song called?" She hummed. It was the first thing she's said since she got into the car.

"I'll tell you for a price." He smirked at the look on her face. He always wanted more from her, but that's only because he loved teasing her.

"State it."

"Song for a secret."

"I don't have any secrets." Anna spoke, rolling her eyes.

"Everyone has secrets."

"Then what's yours?" The car took a right turn, and stopped at a streetlight.

"We aren't talking about me." Harry lived for this back and fourth. He was able to learn her mannerisms this way. When she rolled her eyes, smirked. What annoys her, what she pretends to annoy her, but really makes her giggle when she looks away.

"You're acting as if having the name of this song is my last dying wish. I'm not going to spill the deepest parts of myself in a car with a man who obviously isn't a very good driver."

"Why would you say that?" The restaurant he was taking her was only a few more minutes away.

"Because you drove your self through your front windshield." He looked at her as he drove under a streetlight. She was laughing in her chair, and Harry realized two things:

1. Along with her other mannerisms, this is her type of humor, and it was only a joke.
2. She had the most beautiful laugh he had ever seen.

"If you keep looking at me, we'll both be through your windshield." It was another joke. She doubled over in laughter, and Harry chuckled too, trying his best to focus on parking.

He left the car first, sprinting around to open her door. They walked over the cold slush, and huffed out frosted air before opening the restaurant doors. Anna kept repeating to herself, that this was just two friends getting dinner. She's never been a good liar.

The restaurant was simple. Nothing to fancy, nothing to casual. The tables were small for intimacy, the chairs had just enough cushioning so you could sit for hours. The waiters were dressed in all black but wore comfy shoes. She liked it more then she would admit, and the food filled her stomach with warmth and pleasure.

"You were hungry." Harry stated. They had small talk throughout the meal, nothing substantial. The waiter came to collect their plates and Harry whispered for a large slice of their chocolate cake for dessert.

When the waiter walked away they were left in silence. There was no small talk left between them. The weather, and catching up had been said and done, and the song that was playing in Harry's car filtered softly through the restaurant speakers.

"You have to be kidding me." Anna laughed.

"My offer still stands."

"No deal." She sipped on the last bit of her wine, and washed it down with water.

A Careless Man Where stories live. Discover now