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"What's on your mind Dr. Farley?" Niall finished his side of the Italian roll and wiped his fingers in his napkin. The lighting in the restaurant was dimmed, it made the outer frame of her body illuminate and her eyes dough full.

"You know my name is Anna right?" Although she was smiling she felt the complete opposite. Two hours earlier she found out Harry had a fiancé, and she couldn't put a finger on why it made her stomach churn to think about.

He was all in her head. A man like that, had to be manipulating her on purpose she thought. His smirk, his change in emotion, it was intoxicating. Every time his lips curled and his dimples came into view was like a treat. And she wanted to get that smile again, even for a split second.

Fuck, she hated how she was acting.

She was so wounded up on her own thoughts she had no clue what Niall was going on about, until her chicken parmesan came and Niall started to put pepper on his own dish of ravioli.

"Sorry Niall, sometimes I get lost in thought, what were you saying?"

"I was saying that your an amazing doctor. I see the way you work so hard every time I visit Harry and that's one of the reasons why I asked you out."

"My messy hair, blood stained lab coat, and sweaty pits is attractive to you?" Niall loved a girl with a sense of humour. He took a sip of his Diet Coke, and smiled into the straw.

"You make yourself sound like a butcher, or a serial killer."

"Maybe that's your type." She smiled

"I think your right."

Anna liked talking to Niall. He treated her right, even pulled out her seat before she sat, but she didn't feel that spark of heat that's she's been secretly longing.

They laughed, they spoke. Niall told her all about his job as a high school teacher. He explain how when someone finally understands and that light bulb goes off, he gets a warm feeling inside each time. He explained that every teenager just wants to be understood and it's so amazing when they finally trust in you. He tells her how his family lives in Ireland that's why he has a slight accent. He misses his home everyday, but he's happy here. Niall even tells her how much she affected him at first glance, and all the little quirks that make up Niall.

Anna told him about her job, and her favourite food. She let him talk the whole way through dinner. Her hand was perched under her chin, and often she'd slow down her blinking and try to find the small words that would linger in his accent. She'd laugh at the funny parts of Niall, and frown at the sad.

In a matter of a couple hours and a plate of food, Niall told her everything, and Anna felt attached to him in a way.

She felt like she owed this date to herself. He trusted her so much, and showed her all of him, how could she not feel attached? It was like she related to Niall, but not at all.

"Niall your one of a kind." It was the first thing she said since the waitress took their dirty plates and set down a small bowl of vanilla ice cream in their place.

"I like talking to you. You listen. Harry doesn't listen." A slight frown fell on his lips, but after all this conversation she'd knew it would turn back into his smile soon. Anna learned that Niall was never one to hold grudges.

"Honestly Niall. I think Harry is dealing with other things right now."

"I'm a really good friend to him."

"I know you are."

"I just want him to be a good friend back."

"I think he will someday, maybe when he gets better.  Maybe the accident changed his views of thinking."

"Nothing changes Harry's views on anything."

The restaurant was silent. The moon was in full effect. Niall coughed into his fist and payed for the bill. Anna stood from her chair and awkwardly pushed down her tight dress that never even rode up.

That was the second time tonight that Harry was mentioned, but there would be a third.

"I think Harry is infatuated by you." Niall didn't even have a chance to stop the words from falling from his mouth.

"Harry has a fiancé." The sentence was bitter on her tongue as they stepped out the restaurant and into the busy lit up night.

"I didn't say he loved you. Harry isn't capable of love. I'm saying he's infatuated by you. He looks at you like it's your a drug. Every time I brought up this date he would tense and change the subject." Niall was taller then Anna but her legs were longer. He was almost an inch behind her, and had to pick up the pace to keep up. He didn't mind though.

"Harry has a fiancé." She said again. Trying to ignore everything Niall just said. "Why does this matter anyways Niall? I'm here with you aren't I?"

"I know you are, and I'm so happy that this date happened, and I love Harry, he's my best friend."

"And this is how you talk about your best friend?" They turned a corner and wind blew against them. It made chills rupture across her skin, and it reminded her of when she would undress Harry's wounds. Almost immediately Niall wrapped his jacket over her and those chills vanished.

"I'm just saying that Harry gets what he wants. Always. And if he wants you then I don't know where I stand."

The conversation ended at the front of her  building. They both knew the night was over.

"He has a fiancé Niall."

"I know."

"Thank you for tonight."

"Let's do it again."

She was about to utter an okay, but Niall was nervous enough as it is and instead of watching her lips form an 'o' shape and her tongue click at the 'k' he pushed her lips to his.

Niall felt sparks, heat and the craving for more. He wrapped his arms around her waist and practically begged for her to melt into him.

Anna felt warmth, and safety. It was nice and relaxing. She liked his hold on her, but she needed to get inside. She had work the next day.

"Sure Niall. We can do this again."
She kissed him one last time in the corner of his mouth before slipping into the building.

I don't want you to think she doesn't like Niall. she has feelings for him but their simple feelings. there is no 'magic' she secretly desires it's just Niall. and for now she's okay with that.

the more comments the faster I update

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