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The chair that was just moments ago toppled over due to their colliding bodies was filled with Anna, who was filled with embarrassment. The room that was once filled with hot breathes, and waves of desperation had been replaced with heavy silence.

"This is fucked." Gemma paced around the room, she and Harry were alike that way. Although constant walking was good for her unborn child, stress was not. Surely, this was a mistake she kept repeating to herself.

Harry would never do something so careless. He was practical, level headed. He was engaged. And of course, this was all some sort of dream, because Anna was dating Niall.

"This is so fucked up." She knew she shouldn't be swearing around the baby. Born or not they can hear, sense, feel, absorb. She had always been a potty mouth and up until now she's been good with her unholy vocabulary.

"Gemma you can't tell Niall." Harry's voice was as calm as ever. His hair was a mess, his shirt was hanging off his shoulder.

"You're engaged and you're asking me not to tell your best friend. What about Charlotte!?" Gemma could feel anger bubbling in her throat, but she had to think about the baby. Breathing in, she gripped her bag with her hands.

"Don't be naive sis. You and I both know that once Charlotte left there was nothing there."

"Yet you stayed with he, kept the ring, apartment, her belongings, called her once a week, kept the title of the relationship. Don't act like your innocent, brother." If they were decades younger with their mother in the mix it would be like any other argument between siblings, but it's not. This fight holds much more value, and contains much more consequences.

"I'm not saying that what I am doing is right. What I am saying is that I feel nothing for Charlotte. I haven't for a long time. This isn't the first time I've cheated on her but this is the first time I've felt this way about somebody. So I am asking you not to tell Niall because I care for him, not Charlotte."

"This is fucked up."

"You said that already."

"This isn't the first time you've cheated?"

You'd think Anna would be worried about something else? Niall maybe? But the word vomit fell from her lips, showing her true colours in just five words and two conjunctions.

"Not at all. We've been apart for a while."

The way he was talking scared her to death. It was like he was ordering a meal; not a lick of guilt hidden in his vocal cords.

"That is horrible."

"You don't know the circumstance, but why am I explaining myself to you?"

"Because you barge in here kissing me and now I know that I wasn't you're first kill." She felt dirty, like she needed to scrub herself with sand paper and bleach.

"You didn't stop me. This wasn't one sided."

"I wasn't thinking."

"You make me sound like such a bad guy."

"And Niall?" Gemma was watching this whole time. Gripping hard onto her purse, and pushing back her desperate need to go to the washroom and empty her pregnant bladder.

"Can't know." "Should know."

And there it was again.
Their opposites attracting.
Harry safe. Anna honest.

If Gemma wasn't so shocked she would revel in the magic of them. Watching them exchange conversation was fascinating to watch.

"I won't tell him. It's not my place too. All I came for was an ultrasound, not personal porn with a side of drama."

"Gemma..." It was the first time Anna has heard Harry whine.

"All I'm saying is that this shit is wrong. So wrong. And I'm not staying here to watch this blow up in your face." She left after that. The door shut with a thud, and the diplomas on the board shook. This time, they noticed.

"I'm not going to sit here and state my case." Harry was clasping his hands onto his thighs. His lean fingers covered with rings distracted Anna for just a moment.

"I'm not another woman, or a mistress, or a side anything."

"Did you not hear everything else I said?" How could she just ignore his other words. The ones that were the truest and most important.

Anna brought her leg over the other. She fixed her uneven buttons on her lab coat, and pulled her hair in a pony tail. "I did."


"And what? This is wrong."

"We're going in circles."

"Then maybe we should just stop."

"You and I both know that won't happen."

"And why not?"

"Because... that kiss...because I can't...because..." Words were twisted on his tongue. He was fumbling over the simplest syllables.

They held each others gaze for minutes. It held words, and energy, and a fire that could never be extinguished, for that kiss had set their souls to flames.

"Go out with me." Harry whispered. It was a cry for help. He needed her.

He just fucking needed her.

Anna watched the way he softly bit his lip. The way his eyes had returned to their dark green, and his posture made him seem a lot more intimidating then he actually was. Anna wasn't afraid of him. She was afraid of herself.

His hands did wicked things to her, she knew that for certain now. And his words spoke volumes. She knew she couldn't stay away. She could fight it all she wants, but she couldn't say no even if the gods begged her too.

"Fine. Tomorrow at 7."

this was a fun chapter to right. i hope this isn't repetitive the plot truly picks up next chapter.

got my marks back from exams. you're girl is on honour roll!

the more you comment the faster i update.

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