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Anna didn't let Harry come inside when he reached her home. The worst parts of her had taken over her thoughts, and the doubt was in full force. Harry didn't mind, though. He understood that these things took time, and this situation was full of consequences.

Every night he would dream of her. Each night more teasing then the last. He would visit her every afternoon, but each goodbye felt less and less. It was odd. He always felt like she was hiding from him.

"So physiotherapy is going alright?" It had been a week since that night near the fireplace, and it had been a week since they had spoken. It was like living with robots. They said things like 'excuse me', or 'pass the milk.' But never something meaningful. It hurt Charlotte just a bit, but for Harry... none at all.

"Yeah. Feeling better every day." There was a type of sharpness to his voice. Like any minute he could snap at her. Some moments it felt like that to Harry.

He stood from their kitchen island and played with his shirt while searching for the car keys. "I'm hosting a get together for work here tomorrow." Charlotte spoke. Maybe this party could help them become closer. They would have to pretend to be as close as they once were for her colleagues.

"Can I invite Niall?" He asked, finishing the last of his cereal. Lucky charms was his favourite, despite the childish packaging and the nutrition.

"As long as he isn't himself." This was suppose to make him laugh. Harry could see Charlotte trying, but he just couldn't play along, not anymore.

"How about Anna?" It was a stupid question. Parts of him just wanted to say her name, but most of him just wanted to see Charlotte's reaction. He wanted her to know there was someone else.

"You're old doctor?" Her blood was boiling in her veins. Did he think she was that stupid?

"She has helped me a lot, and I think she needs a good night-"

"Save the bullshit Harry!" Charlotte's voice ripped through the air. The house practically shook with her words. "Just say it! Be a man and fucking say it!" The bowl that once held his breakfast was across their kitchen and the remains on their wall. Her hair had come in front of her face, her  eyes were wild with anger.

"I don't know what you want from me."

"No, don't start that. I should be the one saying that. I try. Every day I practically beg for you to look at me and I get nothing. I flew back home, I left the job I loved. I do everything for you."

Harry watched her spill her soul to him. He sat on their kitchen island, and sighed as she cried for him. It was almost evil how much her words didn't affect him. He watched her beg. And she just wouldn't give it up.

"This was never going to work. We aren't the same." He spoke coldly.

"Have you cheated on me?"

Silence gave her the answer loud and clear. Silence split her heart into two.

"With who?"




He looked at her with pity, and that rocked her to the bone. Harry stood from his stool, walking past her to their pantry to pull out broom and clean up the mess she made - no - that they made.

"I think it's time you go." His voice was stern but his eyes told another story. Maybe deep down inside Harry still felt something for her. But it was buried under lies, and false hopes. It was a grave stone that he'd never visit.

"I don't want to." Charlotte was weak. The last ounce of dignity she had left had fallen from her lips.

"We both have done things. We both have changed. We both do things in spite of each other."

"Harry I don't know who I am without you. Even when we were miles away I still had you." She clung to his pyjama sleeve. He could feel the tears seeping through the polyester material.

"You haven't had me for a long time." Maybe it was the way he slide from her grip and began sweeping up the broken bowl, or maybe it was the way he didn't look back as she walked upstairs to get ready for a days work; but those words stuck with her. She finally believed that there was nothing she could do to save what they had.

The sadness turned to anger, and that emotion set fire to her soul.

writers block is annoying. i literally feel it coming on. i just wanted to update for you guys, sorry its short its all i got.

do you have anything you want to see happen in the next few chapters. itll help he spark some ideas, maybe et me out of this writing funk.

the more you comment the faster my writers block will hopefully end.

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