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"How many times do I have to tell you.. I'm not trying to fucking kill myself Gemma, I was in a rush to see if you were okay!"He couldn't believe he even had to explain this to her. Gemma had visited him in the hospital every day, and although Harry loved his sister, he liked his privacy more.

She couldn't help but think there were underlying issues for his accident. He had been distant for weeks, only sending Niall over to check on her. "I had to ask. I'm worried about you Hazza."

"Don't call me that." His face was etched in a scowl, only talking to her so he could pass the time before Dr. Farley came.

"Jeremy is worried about you. So is mum."

"I don't give a shit."

"Why are you like this Harry? You get in an accident trying to save me, but god forbidden anyone tries to save you."

"I don't need saving." If his body wasn't so sore, and tired he would of raised his voice. Instead he took the scream and clenched it in his fists.

"Your lonely. Always working. You barely ever see Niall or your family." Even if Gemma was trying to make light of the situation, her worry ran deep. She wanted her old brother back.

"It's called being the top surgeon at a world renowned hospital." Harry couldn't help but be bitter, it seemed to be in his blood.

He was a man. Someone who people relied on, not the other way around. "Where's Niall anyways." Just as Harry spoke, his best friend came flying in. He held coffee in both hands a doggy bag in his mouth that had grease seeping through the bottom.

"Holy balls. There is a doctor here that is so fucking hot I'd fly out a windshield just to have her-"

"I have a habit of always coming in at the right time don't I?"

"I suppose it's your doctor charm." Niall turned to liquid under her stance. Like Harry he was memorized at first sight. She had that effect on everyone. Even if she didn't know it.

"I guess that's a trait Harry is lacking." Gemma smiled at her brother, and noticed how anxious he looked in contrast to the anger he held within him just a second ago. His muscles were tense, his eyes wide.

For some odd reason a wave of annoyance washed over him as he watched Niall and Dr. Farley converse. Niall smiled, she touched his arm. It made Harry wish the pain from his injuries intensified so it would wash away the tight pain in his chest.

"Don't you have shit to do Doc?" Something came over him, he couldn't help the word vomit that fell from his lips. He needed her away from Niall.

"Oh yes, actually I'm seeing one of your former patients right now. Stay injured for any longer Mr. Styles and you'll have no more patients left." Dr. Farley smiled to herself as she walked out of his room, making sure the door clicked behind her.

"I hate her."

"She's amazing." Both Harry and Niall spoke at the same time. It was like Niall was foaming at the mouth. Harry could practically see it on the corner of his lips.

"She's out of your league." Harry growled.

"I can still try."

"She's my doctor."

"Why does that matter?"

"I'm not staying for this." Pregnant Gemma  slide from her seat and reached for the door, wanting no part in this conversation.

"I don't want you fucking my doctor..."

"But you can fuck my sister?" The incident in university Niall promised to let go always resurfaces at the right time.

"We kissed. At a party. Once. Every time you bring that shit up, it's over embellished and just to make me feel guilty."

"Well is it working?"

"Get out." Harry fought the frustrated inside him, fought the feeling of jealousy he couldn't quite recognize.

"Why does this matter so much to you?

The question stumped Harry. What could you say to your best friend about a girl you felt a non existent claim for? Surely he'd understand?
But Harry's routine is so rooted in his soul that adding another permanent person to his life would be to much, to stressful... even for him.

He didn't need love, If that's what this heat in this stomach could ever turn into. Harry liked order, carefulness, and love to him was just to careless.

"Fine. Go get her fucking number."

writing in third person is so difficult.
it's my first time so i hope i am doing okay.
vote and comment for me to update tomorrow.

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