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The silk sheets were soft against his nude back, but the friction he creaked from thrusting his hips was hot. The window across his bed was open enough so the winter wind could seep through the opening. But no amount of wind could tame the fire that was eating away at him.

Her lips pecked, and sucked across his tattooed chest. His long strands of chocolate hair was plastered to his face with sweat, and he felt his chest expand when she swiveled her hips with just enough gusto to make him want to scream. No woman has made him feel this way, like a school girl. He hide his pleasure behind his tightened jaw and closed eyes. His large hands wrapped around her body, pulling her flush against his beating heart. Harry couldn't get enough of her. It was like his own body was begging to hang onto these moments, not letting him reach his peak because staying in this moment was to blissful to give up. His nails dug into the hot flesh of her ass, her teeth dug into the clammy flesh of his shoulder. They were a moving picture of moans, and thrusts and fingers clinging on to dear life. Harry's heart was going mad. She pulled roughly on his hair because that was on the only way Anna could steady herself without collapsing on him.

Behind their closed eyes there was light and colorful objects dancing in their vision. Both of them could think of nothing. They felt and begged and cried out each other's name. The winter wind didn't dare to take their sounds away.

"It's 9:07." Her lips spoke against his ear. "We can't be late!"

A push against his wounds woke him up abruptly. Charlotte leaped out of their bed, and began taking out the curlers in her flat hair.

Harry's wide eyes scanned around the room. He was sweating like crazy and the dream left a lasting reminder due to the blood rushing to his throbbing core.

Harry's mind was warped as he watched his fiance wash her face through the bathroom door. She was still yelling at him but he couldn't make sense of his where a bouts.

"If you don't get up now we are going to be late for the second time. And I have work. So get up." She raced back into the bedroom, looking at him with a blouse half on her body.

"What?" He rasped. He couldn't stop the image of Anna's body writhing on top of his, he couldn't ignore her soft voice whispering how good he made her feel.

"What do you mean Harry? We have to go back to the hospital to meet your knew doctor. I for one am happy you left Farley, she was so inappropriate. "

All the actions from the last few days came flooding back to him like a tsunami. And the dream he just had was now broken to pieces. He forget about their fight in this midst of waking up. He forgot about all those harsh words he said to her. He even forgot that he was now home for the first time and weeks. And the smell of her that was so prominent in his dream was no longer there, instead it was the aroma of Charlotte's harsh strawberry and pomegranate shampoo.

Harry still had a cast on his arm, and bandages around his ribs. The boot on his foot was better then a cast and without hesitation he stumbled out of bed. "What the hell are you doing Harry? I'm supposed to help you out of bed-"

He ignored her complaints. Pushing past the pain he walked towards the woman he used to love and with hope he smashed his lips to hers.

It felt cold. She kissed back, but he felt the cold wind from their open window, and he heard the news playing from the TV across from their bed.

Charlotte's bony fingers tangled into his hair, but never pulled, He tried to cling onto her with passion but his fingers gave up and settled for her sunken hips.

"What was that for?" Charlotte whispered. That was the first time he'd kissed her in months. Inside she was jumping for joy. But the look in Harry's eyes said otherwise.

Without another word he pushed past her, slamming the bathroom door behind him, and slamming his healthy hand into the grey painted walls. Harry was loosing control. His actions were becoming careless. Anna planted her seed, and her roots were to thick.


"Dr. Farley has told me about your health records, and I assure you, you are in good hands. I've been doing this for 15 years, and me and Dr. Farley have established a good enough relationship with each and every one of our patients."

"You do realize I am a doctor myself..." Harry spoke, looking at the young man that seemed to be only in his early 40's.

"Yes. It's in your file." His smile was fake, and his tone was full of annoyance.

"So then you must know that this speech your giving me is the same speech I give my patients, the only difference is that I really mean it. You on the other hand sound like your reading a grocery list. Charlotte why the fuck did you bring me here again?"

"Harry don't be rude!"

How could he not be annoyed? His thoughts were out of control, he couldn't even sleep in peace. Her office was just down the hall and when he limped through that hospital door he saw his best friend sneak out of her office with a smug smile on his face. He hadn't spoken to Niall in days.

"Mr. Styles with all due respect, I'm just trying to do my job. I know times have been rough with you due to the accident but-'

"Don't start telling me shit about my own life. I don't need to hear my problems from you."

"Harry what the hell is your problem? This lovely doctor hear is just trying to make you better."

"Does no one understand that I am a doctor! If it wasn't for insurance I could take care of my damn self." If he could, he would storm out of this damn office.

Harry looked over to his fiance and watched her drool over his new doctor. She was twirling her hair, apologizing for his actions.

"Harry insurance said that if you aren't cleared by a doctor, that is not yourself you can't go back to work. I know not being in control is hard for you but this is what you have to do. Dr. Andrew knows what he's doing."

No body seemed to grasp the things that Harry was going through. It wasn't just control he had lost, it was his own self. Before this accident he was sure, confident, and certain that he was who he thought he was.

And now he's a man pining after a woman he pushed away. He's a man who doesn't like his best friend. He's a man who doesn't know if he even wants to go back to work.
Harry was lost. In only a few weeks he had turned into someone he never wanted to be. But maybe with time he could get his old self back and wash away this mess he had created.

Harry scheduled the start of his physiotherapy with Dr. Andrew. He stood up from the office and left Charlotte to grab cup of coffee, she didn't protest.

I hope this book doesn't seem to slow. all my other books are so fast that I don't want to overcompensate so much its boring.

leave me thoughts and suggestions.

oh and all besides this one ;) what is your favourite fanficiton?
leave the name and author. i need more to read, im running low

the more you comment and vote the faster i update.

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