A run away

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I began to run out from the dark, fear swept over me as the shadows chased after me. I knew if I got to the Woodland Realm I would be safe. I tripped over a fallen branch causing me fall. I didn't have time to get back up and run, instead I threw myself over so I lay on my back, I drew my sword from out of it's sleeve. The creature neared me, I began to slice through the air. The sword was hit from out of my hands. I closed my eyes, feared by the creatures stare. All of a sudden the noise of swift swoosh filled the air. The creature gave out a cry. I opened my eyes to see the creature running away from me. I sat up, something had hit the creature.

"Ya naa eller?" (Who are you?)

A voice asked me in elvish. My heart pounded so hard, i thought my chest was going to rip open. I had to think of something quick to reply with.

"amin naa il- y' goth, uma il- gorga amin." (I am not a foe, I am no danger.)

I replied as I caught my breath. I heard a rustle, I quickly turned to the sound of the rustle to find a young blonde elf. I staggered up to my feet, quickly. He walked near me, his bow loaded with an arrow.

"mani nostale naa lle?" (What kind are you?)

The young elf asked me. I heard another rustle in the bushes, only for two elf guards to come out into view.

"thranduil, lee atar seeks ten' lle. auta n'alaquel a' kingdom." (Thranduil, your father seeks for you, go back to the kingdom.)

One of the guards told the young elf. The blonde hair elf groaned slightly.

"Diola lle, Thranduil." (Thank you, Thranduil)

I said as he began to walk off, he looked back at me, and gave me a slight smile.

"Go back to where you came from, your kind doesn't belong here. If we see any of your kind here again, we will come and skin everyone of you alive."

The guard threatened me as he drew his sword from his sleeve. I bent down and grabbed my sword.

"That's the thing, I'm the only one left of our kind. I was being chased by one of the ringwraiths, I came here for help."

I told them, the guard just held out his hand to stop my further talking. I closed my mouth.

"Go to Rivendell for help, Oropher doesn't need any more burdens on his shoulders."

The guard told me. I shook my head, he must help me.

"I just need a place to sleep and eat for tonight, by morning I will go to Rivendell."

I repented, my stomach growled at the thought of food. I hadn't eaten in three days, and the last thing I did eat was berries.

"We would need permission from the king, but I do not think he would give us the right a way."

He replied, this made my face red. I put my sword in my sleeve.

"Well, I can go ask him myself."

"No, my dear, I don't think you understand. The king is dying, by tomorrow morning Thranduil will be the king of the Woodland Realm."

The news slightly stunned me. The king, was dying?

"Now, you must go. The spiders will be lurking the woods at any minute."

With that I nodded my head and began to run back where I came from. I looked back to see the elvish guards watching me run back from where I came from. Just a small helpless sgiathatch (dragon-kind) girl, wanting somewhere to sleep and eat.

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