The Letter

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I rode through the fresh air, today was gorgeous day out. I rode down the hill back to where Elrond was waiting for me.

I rode up to him and got off of my horse, I bowed to him, and he bowed to me.

"Arais, you have been given a very important task, and that is to give this letter to Thranduil."

Elrond told me as he handed me a very nice looking letter. The name sent shivers up my back. I nodded my head.

"My lord, with all due respect, I am not wanted there, and I don't want to go."

I replied, Elrond gave me an evil glare. I knew I couldn't argue with him.

"As you wish my lord."

I gave up, I put the letter into my sack. Elrond grabbed my arm before I got onto my horse.

"Remember, you turn into dragon form tomorrow night."

He told me, I nodded my head. I turned into a dragon every two weeks, but I had control over my doing as a dragon, so it didn't do much damage to me nor the people.

"Yes, my Lord."

I said as I mounted my horse. I hit the sides of my horse and we were off to MIrkwood.

I got off of my horse. I threw the reins over her head and led her through the strange forest, tonight I would be transforming into dragon form. I needed to stay far away from the kingdom, but I needed to find a reasonable place to transform in. Finally, after what seemed like a mile, I found a reasonable place to transform. My horse Roland was used to my transformation, she would no longer run off. Instead, she laid down next to me, and slept.

I stood in the middle of the bare area and watched the light fade from the sky. All of a sudden my skin turned into black scales and my arms into strong wings. My legs into claws. My eyes became dark red and my lungs became flesh with fire. I laid down in the middle of the bare land.

I woke up to the bright morning sun, I was back to my normal self. I hoped no one had seen me during the night, as I was sleeping. I found Roland who was eating some grass on the ground. I picked up her dragging reins and pulled her behind me as we made our way to Woodland Realm. During our walk to the Woodland realm I saw some dark things. Some things that send shivers down my back, this forest was not what it used to be.

I came across the closed gates of Woodland Realm, one guard looked down at me.

"Amin caela  y' letter ten' i' aran sent ed' heru elrond." (I have a letter for the king sent by Lord Elrond)

I told the guard as I got the note out of my sack. I showed it to the guard, the guard nodded his head, and the gates opened it up. When the gates were fully opened I saw the beautiful kingdom, it was so breathtaking. I kicked Roland's sides and we made our way over the bridge to the front doors. The doors flung open and a young blonde elf came out, he looked just like the one I burned a thousand years ago.

"What is your business?"

He asked me as he held my horses reins. His looks were astonishing and threw me off guard.

"amin naa sinome on- sina letter a' i' aran tuulo' rivendell." (I am here to give this letter to the king from Rivendell.)

I answered in elvish, he cocked his head to the side and gave me a questionable look. I then saw that he was looking at my ears. I pulled my hair in front of my ears.

"lle quena elvish, am' lle naa il- elvish. lle ears aren't Edan, either." (You speak elvish, yet you are not an elf. Your ears aren't a shape of a human's either)

He told me, this made me a little uptight. I had to lie.

"amin ears naa ulundi, amin naa Edhan. amin naeema amin Tel'Quessir." (My ears are deformed, I am human. I was raised by elves.)

I answered, trying to make it seem like the truth.

"If you're human, how old are you?"

The questioned me. His curiosity was getting me mad.

"lle curiosity kills i' best en' lle. amin naa sinome on- y' letter a' i' aran, ar' tanya naa ilya."

I replied quick-witted. He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head slightly.

"amin naa i' taren, curiosity keeps i' kingdom ie' seere. sii', nyra amin en' mani age lle naa." (I am the prince, my curiosity keeps the kingdom at peace. Now, what age are you?)

His elvish was quick and he  grew angry. I groaned under my breath.
"I am twenty-six."

I answered biting my tongue. He took his hand off of my horses reins.

"Get off of your horse, and I will keep it here."

He told me. I got off of my horse, and then walked in the kingdom. The young prince kept a good eye on me as he escorted me to the throne. As we approached the throne, I saw the great king upon his throne.

"Amin aran."

I said as I bowed down to the king. He sat straight up in his throne. His gaze was hard on me.

"y' letter tuulo' heru elrond in' rivendell." (A letter from Lord Elrond of Rivendell.)

I said as I held the letter out for the king. The king came down from his throne, he took the letter from my hands. He read it quickly to himself.

"legolas, auta get i' housemaid, re will karna sure my' spare bedroom ten' lye guest. asrai, nauva stayin yassen lye ten' y' n nir days." (Legolas, go get the housemaid, she will make sure a spare bedroom because we guest. Arias, will be staying with we because a few weeks.)

Thranduil told the prince. Legolas walked off to go tell the housemaid of my staying. I was furious that Elrond had betrayed me like this, he knew what I did to Mirkwood.

"What are you good at?"

Thranduil asked me in a bored voice. I gave him a questionable look.

"Well, since you will be staying with us for over six weeks, I mine as well make good use of you."

He answered my future question. I thought about what I usually did at Rivendell, I was a guard on most days and on some days I was the secretary for Lord Elrond.

"I am very well at guarding and I make a great secretary."

I answered as I wrapped my hand behind my back. Thranduil sat upon his throne.

"I have over a thousand elves with soldiers abilities. I don't have a secretary."

He replied. I nodded my head at the knowledge of my duty. He looked at the two elves headed towards his throne right now.

"amin aran, eller has been a' great disturbance de Rhun." (My king, there has been a great disturbance up East.)

One guard told Thranduil. The king moaned slightly and out his fingers to his lips.

"I am dreadfully bored, Legolas, Arsai, and I will go to the East."

Thranduil stated as he got up from his throne. He looked over at me.

"Get her a sword and one of Mirkwood armor."

Thrundial added, he walked down to the platform and past me. I turned to the guards, and one of them began to walk away.

"Come with me."

The other one said. I followed him to the armor room. He gave me a set of armor. I looked in a mirror. I looked great. My long blonde hair was tied up in a fishtail braid. The green armor showed off my hourglass figure. I was ready for the hunt.

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