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~Legolas P.O.V~

I woke up to a painful scream. I got up quickly, and sat up which caused much pain to go through my chest. I gripped my bandaged chest. I was in the healers room. I heard many screams and cries. I looked out the window to find elves and a small pack of orcs fighting. I didn't see my father or Arais anywhere on the battlefield. I was all alone in the room. I got up out of bed, but as I did i fell down because of my hurt leg. I got up on my hand and knees. I began to crawl. I crawled out into the hallway, there I saw many elves on the floor, all hurt or dead, laying around the ball room.

I crawled all the way down to the ball room. I felt embarrassed. One of the ellens saw me, and stopped me.

"My prince, why have you come here?"

She asked me, she had blood swept across her cheek, I could see she was in a hurry.

"I am here to find out what's going on."

I answered. She sighed. She sat down beside me. I sat up. I looked over at all of the hurt moaning ellens and elves.

"The orcs from Gundabad have arrived. They have come for the queen. They want her power. She defeated most of the army with her great powers. She saved the king and herself. If I am certain they are being tended to in the throne room with a few others."

She explained to me. I needed to get to them quickly.

"Thank you, fine ellen."

I said as I got on my knees and hands again, I began to crawl out. I felt so foolish, but this was the only way I could travel.

I crawled to the throne room, two healers were in there. It was quiet. I crawled over to my father who I recognized right away by the hair. I sat next to him. I looked at him, I could tell his arm was broken and that his cheeks were going to be swollen because of the cuts he had received.

"Legolas, what are you doing here?"

One of the healers asked me. I bit my lip, and looked up at her.

"Where's Arias?"

I asked. The healer pointed down on the floor where she was standing. I crawled over to find Arias, she looked like she was going to make it. I smiled to myself.

"I hope the baby is okay."

The healer told me. I looked up at her with a questionable look.


I asked her. She nodded her head and let out a small smile.

"Yes, she is to give birth to another in six months. I looked down at Arais. Her eyes closed really tight, beads of sweat were running down her forehead. I felt her forehead.

"Is she okay? She feels like she is running a fever!"

I asked in a really loud voice. The healer bent down and felt the stomach.

"Yes, she is fine. The pregnancy of an elf child is harsh. She will be on bedrest the rest of the six months. It looks like your father will also be on bed rest for a few weeks."

She answered. I looked over at my father. He would be really happy when he found out that Arias was pregnant with his child. The healer got up and walked away. I crawled over to my father. I sat down and put his head into my lap. I brushed my fingers through his long blonde hair. I watched him quietly as he slept.

I had stayed there all night with my father, he had not woken up. We had won the battle before sun down, the orc's bodies had been burned. I was super tired, but I wouldn't fall asleep until I knew my father was awake and well.

"Legolas, word has gotten back that the babies have reached Rivendell. Elrond is on his way here, to help."

A guard told me. I looked up at him and nodded my head.

"I want all guards able to fight on gate duty."

I ordered, the guard bowed to me and left. I looked over at Arais. She was wise, she knew that they were coming. She knew a lot of things, but turning into a dragon, was a stupid mistake.


A slight moan asked. I looked down to see my father. I looked down at him and smiled.
"Father, I am here."

I replied as I put a hand on his forehead. He let out a small smile.

"I'm so happy you are okay."

He told me. He then moaned as the pain hit him.

"I am glad that you are okay, father."

I replied. He closed his eyes for a second and reopened them.

"Where is Arais?"

He asked me fear coming over him. I smiled and looked over at Arais.

"She is here. She is fine."

I told him. He let out a small smile.

"Did we win the battle?"

He asked me weakly. I nodded my head.

"We won the battle. Only fifty elves and ellen died. Over six-hundred wounded."

I informed him. He nodded his head.

"How about the babies?"

"They arrived safely this evening at Rivendell, and Elrond is on his way here."


With that he closed his eyes and fell into a sleep. I took his head and laid it on a pillow. I laid down next to my father and fell asleep. All was well and safe.

~Arais's P.O.V~

I woke up, my chest in a large amount of pain, I let out a weak cry. A healer came to my aid.

"What's hurting?"

She asked me quietly. I looked at her and grabbed my chest.

"My chest."

I answered weakly. She put her hand over it and began to chant. I sighed a little bit, the pain calmed down.

"How's my baby?"

I asked as I touched my stomach. She looked at me and smiled.

"It's doing fine, everything as it should be."

She answered. I smiled a little bit.

"How are my other babies?"

I asked as I began to think about the past events.

"They arrived at Rivendell yesterday evening."

I nodded my head. This was good news. I closed  my eyes slightly.

"Where's Thranduil?"

I asked weakly.

"He is in his room, he is on bed rest. It looks like you will also be on bed rest for the rest of your days until your baby arrives."

She told me. I nodded my head, and I fell back to sleep

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