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I woke up at the crack of dawn. I rolled over to find Thranduil laying next to me.

"Well, good morning."

He whispered. He scooted closer to me and gave me a large kiss on the cheek. He then sat up and looked around. He ran his fingers down his long blonde hair. I pulled the blankets over me as I sat up.

"I must go, I'm sorry, my love."

He told me as he got up out of bed. I closed my eyes slightly, afraid to look down at his hips. He put a golden robe over his nude self. I watched him, nothing could come to my mind. He looked back at me. I looked down at the blankets, I was embarrassed. He walked over to me and put his hand on my cheek. I looked up at him and met ice blue eyes.

"Did I do anything to offend you?"

He asked me in a sexy quiet voice. My grip on my blankets loosened and let my bare chest show. I picked the blankets up quickly and covered my self.

"No, just embarrassed, that's all."

I said as red stained my cheeks.

"We mustn't tell anyone of this."

He told me as he pulled on some trousers. I nodded my head, I kept quiet.

"Arais, are you okay? I don't want to leave, knowing that I hurt you in anyway."

His words oh so kind and sweet. I almost melted at the way he said it.

"No, I'm fine. I think I'm tired."

He looked at me and gave me a smile. He came over to the bed and lifted me up, he was still shirtless. His chest hair touched my arm. I was even more embarrassed because I was still nude. He sat me down on the chair, he grabbed a robe and he put it over my shoulder. I grabbed the ends of the robe and pulled it off of me. I stood up on my one foot. I put the robe over me and tied it close. I looked up at Thranduil dressing himself into a light green robe with a long dark red to go over it. He put a crown over his head. He looked down at me, his looks were breathtaking.

"I am off. I am sending in one of my guards to come and help you."

Thranduil told me as he walked into an extended room. I could hear him doing some things. I sat up straighter up in the chair.

"Can't you dress me?"

I asked him. He came out holding the most beautiful dress I had ever laid my eyes on. The outer layer of the dress was light blue and the inner layer was white lace.

"This was suppose to be my wife's dress, but..."

His words faded away. He laid it down on the bed. I bit the inside of my lip. He handed me a corset and a pair of short trousers.I put the short trousers on underneath my robe.  I took off my robe and put the corset on, the fabric hurt my neck. I got up on one foot and turned around. He tightened the strings, I inhaled and he tightened the corset. I looked back at him, our eyes met. His eyes looked down and he grabbed the dress off of the bed. He hung it over me. I rose my arms all the way up. He put it on over me. He buttoned the back for me. I looked back at him again, he grabbed my long blonde hair and pulled it out from the dress.


I whispered as I turned around, as I turned around I lost my balance and was about to fall when he suddenly caught me. I looked up at him, and he looked down at me. He laid his lips on mine. He gave me a powerful kiss. He let go of me so he could breath. He kissed me again, his lips were pressed hard against mine. He took his lips off mine.

"Marry me."

He whispered to me. I nodded my head, he let me go, he sat me down.

"Only for you to go and get pregnant with one other kid."

He commented as he walked about the room. The words made my stomach knot.

"I don't have to do it. I can tell Elrond that my race shall remain instinct."

I offered trying to give Thranduil a peace of mind. He looked at me and shook his head.

"You must save your own race, I do not want to be the reason your race goes intict."

"You're not the only reason my race may go extinct, the ringwraiths are the major reason why this race may go extinct."

"May I raise my child as my own?"

"It's our child, think of the sgiathatch as an uncle. It shall be our child."

The words put a smile on his face. I got up and hopped over to him, he was staring at the floor. I fell onto the bed. He looked over at me.

"I shall get a new chance at raising my own?"

"Yes, and if.... when we marry I shall bear another child."

"An elf child is hard to bear, having two children was very rare."

"Well if two is rare then i shall make it four elf children and a sgiathatch."

"One sgiathatch? Won't you have to produce two?"

"The sgiathatch do not age. Once they are aged twenty they stop, but their reproductive system is raw."

"This means..."

"Yes. If I am to bear a girl she shall be pregnant with her father's child."

"That is sick. You should bear two children."

"Sick or not, it must be done. I must do this, and if I am lucky than I shall bear another sgiathatch."

A knock came to the door. Thranduil grabbed me and put me into the extended part of the room. It was filled with old painting and dresses, I looked around.

"My lord, Elrond has requested to see you."

A servant told Thranduil as he opened the door.

"I shall be outside in a few minutes, I have to do something."

Thranduil replied in a very respectable voice. I looked around the room. I saw a painting, it had Thranduil and beautiful black haired Ellen standing next to him, and in front of them was a young boy. He looked like Thranduil, they were all so happy. I then looked at the next portrait to see Legolas alone with Legolas, both serious looking. I then turned to the painting that was far off in the corner, I narrowed my eyes at it to find fire and a dragon. That dragon, was me. My stomach knotted up. Thranduil came in. I looked up at him, he looked down at me with a sad look on his face. I bit the inside of my lip, my eyes filled with tears.

"Oh, how much I took away from you? I'm so sorry Thranduil!"

I cried, he bent down and gave me a small kiss on my cheek. He then picked me up, careful of my broken leg.

"We must be going, Elrond has requested to see us."

He told me. I looked back at the painting of the happy couple and son. This is what I had done. So much damage I had done to the Mirkwood elves. How could I marry the King I had destroyed?

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