Chapter 12: Unexpected visitor

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"Bye Vilu, Bye Leon" said Ludmi.

"Bye Ludmilla" Leon and Vilu said.


Fran and Diego arrived in Tuscany.

The plane landed in a runway, in a private area.

The music manager looked at his phone, not really paying any attention.

"Martin!!" said Fran.

"Oh, hola Fran" said Martin.

"Martin we are here now? Where are we going now??" said Fran.

Diego was also not paying any attention, just admiring the beauty of the place.

"Diego!! Hello?" said Fran.

"Oh sorry my precious, my head was somewhere else for a second." he replied.

"Umm... I think for more than a second." said Fran.


Now, Angie showed a sign of relief.

"Angie, are you ok?" asked Herman.

"Yes. Maybe we should just forget about it" replied Angie.

"Good plan. Maybe we can go out tonight? I always like to treat you." said Herman.

"I like that too. But i'm scared that someone is out to get us my stealing our stuff" Angie replied.

"Well you know i can hire a body guard?" said Herman.

Angie made a face to him: the one that says "seriously."


"What? I'm serious??" he replied.

"Well, the thing about getting a body guard is that we follows us everywhere and he won't give us some space"

"Can we at least try??" said Herman.

"Well ok, fine! Let's see how this goes with one date with a bodyguard"

Then.... Herman hired the bodyguard.


When Vilu and Leon were leaving there was a surprise visitor.

"Rafa??" said Vilu.

"Hey Vilu, hi Leon!!" said Rafa.

"Can i come in??" said Rafa.

"Um. Are you here to see Olga??" said Leon

"No i want to see my woman??" said Rafa.

"What woman are you talking about??" said Leon.

"Angie!!!!!" said Rafa.

"Rafa, Angie is not here right now??" said Vilu.

"What do you mean MY Angie is not here???" Rafa said.

"She really isnt, you can see for yourself" said Leon.

"Then were is she??" said Rafa.

"She's on her honeymoon!" said Vilu.

"She went on our honeymoon without me??" said Rafa.

"No. She went with Herman." said Leon

"Herman?? Who is he??" said Rafa.

"My father and Angie's husband." said Vilu.

"So, wait, i thought Angie Carrara was your aunt?" asked Rafa.

"She is my aunt. To correct you, her name is Angie Castillo" said Vilu.

"OHH MAN ANGIE CHEATED ON ME"said Rafa confused.


"Well then im off" said Rafa.

"Rafa, im sorry, i will let Angie know you came to see her" said Vilu.

"Ok Vilu, im sorry" said Rafa.

"No need to apologize, that just happens when your in love" said Vilu...........

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