Chapter 34: Family

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"Now we are going to celebrate" said Vilu.

"I think we should all sing Crecimos Juntos because it is perfect for what were celebrating" said Vilu.

"Ok let's do it" said Cami.

(See video)

Crecimos juntos

Habia todo por hacer

Y caminamos 

Habia tanto que aprender 

Crecimos juntos

Y sin querer hallé tus manos

Fruimos creciendo

Con cada nota de aquél piano

Y ahora qué

A donde iran los que conocimos

Los que llegamos al final

Voy por nuevos caminos

Con lo que hemos vivido

Magia y creatividad

Verdad en los corazones

Cielos de mil colores

Eso quiero recordar.

Siempre e mi lado esta tu mano

Me ayunda continuar

Y juntos ya illegamos al final

"Great job!!" said Pablo.

"I would like to announce that the On Beat Studio graduation is in a couple of days so please prepare because i would like you to perform a group song, and maybe this one is the perfect song" said Pablo.

"Or maybe we can sing "On beat" as our song" said Vilu.

"Well you get to pick the song. I hope Ludmilla and Federico can participate" said Pablo.

"Yes of course, Pablo" they said.

"We will have to talk with the manager to see how things are going to work with me and Diego" said Fran.

"Yes because we want to be at the graduation" said Diego.

"Umm. No" said the manager.

"What? You have to let us go" said Fran.

"Just kidding. Of course i'll let you go" said the manager.

"Phew!!" Fran and Diego said.

"So come to the studio tomorrow and we will discuss further and plan out how it's going to go. I will talk to all the teachers for more too" said Pablo.

"Or we can just keep eating cookies" said Beto.

"BETO!!!!" everyone laughed.

"Beto those were my cookies!!!" said Olga.

"Well now, there mine" said Beto.

Later on after everyone was starting to leave (because the party was over):

"Thank you so much for coming" said Angie to Pablo and Brenda.

"Thank you" they both said.

"Do you mind if i talk to Angie alone really fast" said Pablo.

"Sure" said Brenda with a smile.

Brenda was definitely better than Jackie.

"Angie, I want to ask you if your going to continue being a teacher at the Studio" said Pablo.

The family she dreamed of...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora