Chapter 46: Comfort?

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The little white dog walked over..

He was very cute.

Angie reached her hand out to pet it.

The dog really liked her and he wanted her to hold him.

German came out onto the front yard and saw Angie with the dog.

Finally, Angie let out the tears and started to cry.

She had not exactly cried yet, she was just disappointed.

German reached out to give her a hug, and Angie rested her head in his arms as the dog still was on her lap.

Olga had spied through the window...

"What do you see, Olga" said Ludmi.

"She's crying" said Olga.

"What?" said Vilu.

"Oh no. I can't anymore" said Olga as she ran off crying.

"Ramallo can you talk to him" said Violetta.

"I think they need time alone for now, Violetta. They will tell us when they are ready" said Ramallo as he walked off.

"I think i should go" said Leon.

"Why? Please stay! I'm really worried for Angie" said Vilu.

Ludmilla just stood there really worried.

The yard:

"Angie are you okay now? Are we going to tell them?" said German.

"German, this is just so hard on me, i'm sorry" said Angie.

"Well who's this dog" said German petting it.

"Well i was sitting on this bench and then this little white dog appeared, and it instantly fell in love with my touch" said Angie.

"Because it's easy to fall in love with your touch" said German with a smile.

"Thank you German" she said.

"Now what are we going to name this dog" said German.

"Well seems like he doesn't have a home. So can we keep him" said Angie.

"Yes of course. I'm sure the others won't mind, in fact, they will be happy to have him , especially Violetta, who always wanted a dog" said German.

"Why didn't she get one" said Angie.

"Because of the way i was before" said German.

"Before when?" asked Angie

"Before i met an amazing and most strongest person in the world that i love so much" said German.

"Oh i wonder who that is" said Angie giggling.

"You" said German.

"I think i'm ready to go back in now." said Angie 

"Well okay" said German as he walked Angie inside.

Leon and Vilu were playing the piano and singing to get Violetta a bit happier.

They sang Abrazame y Veras which made her feel better.

Ludmilla played the guitar to join them.

Once German and Angie came in, the playing had stopped.

"Angie what is wrong?" said Violetta holding her hands.

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