Chapter 24: Cured? Almost.

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Olga and Ramallo had gone to the doctor's office to go get Olga checked out.

Olga and Ramallo had walked in the office.

They went over the the front desk to check in.

"Hello what can i do for you today" said the lady.

"Yes we are here today, because she has been call in to have an appointment" said Ramallo.

"What is the name, please?" asked the lady looking at the computer on the desk.

"Olga Peña" said Ramallo.

"Okay we will call your name shortly" said the lady.

Ramallo and Olga went to the waiting area to take a seat.

Ramallo said, "Olga, why did you have me do all the talking"

Olga didn't seem to have listened because she was looking down with a frown.

"You okay, Olga" asked Ramallo.

"Yeah, i just hope nothing more is wrong with me" said Olga with a frown.

"Aw. Olga" said Ramallo with a smiling giving her a hug.

"I'm surprised that you didn't say personal space like you always do" said Olga. 

"Well right now is the time to say..." said Ramallo, but was interrupted.

"Olga! We are ready for you." said a nurse.

Olga and Ramallo walked following the nurse as they went into an xray room.

"Olga, we called you in today because it seems like we need to see your injuries again before we get you into a surgery because we need to look one last time, because you may not need surgery" said the nurse.

"Wait. Are you serious?" said Olga.

"I am not joking. Everything i am saying is serious" said the nurse.

"That's amazing" said Ramallo.

"But, don't get your hopes up yet. We need to take one last xray" said the nurse.

"Ok let's do this." said Ramallo.

"Bye Ramallito. Wish me luck" said Olga.

"I will" said Ramallo.

At that moment, Olga had left the room and Ramallo went back to the waiting area to wait for Olga.

While Ramallo was waiting, he decided to call Vilu.

Vilu was at home with Leon, organizing stuff for the farewell party, which was only a few days away ;)

Vilu and Leon were laying on the sofa on Vilu's laptop looking for some party inspirations for a farewell party.

Vilu heard the phone ring and saw the it was Ramallo calling.

"Hey Ramallo" said Vilu.

"Hi Violetta. I am here at the doctor's office with an update with Olga's accident" said Ramallo.

"Oh ok. What's up" said Vilu.

"Well it seems that the doctors need to see Olga's injuries again before she is to get  into a surgery because they need to look one last time, because she may not need surgery" said Ramallo.

"That's great news!! I hope Olga doesn't need to surgery" said Vilu.

"Well we will just have to wait and see" said Ramallo.

"Well. I wish Olga some luck" said Vilu.

"Yes i do too" said Ramallo.

Suddenly, there was someone at the door.

"Ramallo, there is someone at the door, hold on. Talk to Leon" said Vilu.

"Okay" said Ramallo.

Violetta opened the door. It was Rafa Palmer.

"Hi Rafa. Long time no see, huh?" said Vilu. 

She was being sarcastic because it was a couple days ago when they last saw each other.

"Hey. Vilu. Is Angie here?" asked Rafa.

"No, Rafa. Angie is not here....yet" said Vilu.

"Yet? So she is coming back" said Rafa.

"Umm i think i said too much." said Vilu.

"So we is she coming back" said Rafa.

"Rafa, i don't know if she wants to see you" said Vilu.

"Did Angie tell you that" said Rafa.

"Uhh. No. Rafa, she has been gone from Buenos Aires for more than a week, so..." said Vilu

"Where?" said Rafa.

"They went to Tuscany, Italy for their honeymoon. I just found it because by dad kept a surprise, so no one knew until they got there" said Vilu.

"Ah. I see" said Vilu.

"That German guy didn't want to tell me" said Rafa.

"No Rafa!! It's not that he didn't want to tell one knew, i'm serious" said Vilu.

"Will that silly cook tell me if that's true" said Rafa.

"Silly cook? You mean Olga" said Vilu.

"Yeah that one" said Rafa.

"Oh. Olga and Ramallo are gone. They are at a doctor's appointment" said Vilu.

"Oh. Well i'm going to see Angie when she comes back" said Rafa.

"Umm. Rafa." said Vilu "Since Angie is happily married now, i want to make this clear to you..."

"What?" said Rafa.


"What?" said Rafa.

"Look, Angie and my dad went through A LOT to be together. You have to understand how much they suffered." said Vilu.

"Well ok. Ask Angie if she wants to see me" said Rafa.

"Well ok. fine! I'll tell her to get in touch with you" said Vilu.

"Ok my dear Vilu! Bye." said Rafa.

"Ok bye!" said Vilu giving him a hug.

Leon had already finished taking to Ramallo by the time she came back from talking to Rafa.

"Ramallo is coming home now with Olga. They have news about they xrays to share" said Leon.

"Ok great!!" said Vilu.

As soon as you know it, Olga and Ramallo arrived.

"Hello were back" said Olga and Ramallo.

"And we are too" said German and Angie coming from the front door with keys

Ramallo had a surprised look on his face (like the one on the photo) because he couldn't believe what he saw when Angie and German came......

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