Chapter 49: Never ending

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That morning, things were still kind of dull.

Violetta and Ludmilla went out to say goodbye to Francesca and Diego at the airport.

Angie still wouldn't get out of her room, since she was still sad.

But when she did come down for breakfast, she looked TERRIBLE.

Her hair was a mess, her eyes looked tired.

She basically looked like she hadn't slept in days.

Olga had prepared a nice meal for everyone.

"ANGIE!!!! MY DEAR!!!" said Olga with a crying face as she squeezed Angie VERY hard.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.....

Could you guess who it was?

Yes, he was the one and only.....

Angie sat on the couch to have her favorite tea.....not green.

Well, because we all know, she doesn't like green tea at all...

Olga went out to answer the door....

"Well hello.... It's a pleasure to see you again" said Rafa with a grin.

"Rafa" said Olga as she looked over at Angie, " Right now is not the time"

"What do you mean, my dear Olga" said Rafa as he held Olga's hand, " Every minute of eveyday is my time" he said with a grin.

Olga had a worried look on her face as German had walked by.

"What's going on here, Olga" said German with his serious look.

"Well...uhhh. I got to go" said Olga nervously as she went to the kitchen.

"What are you doing??" said German kind of mad.

"Well i'm looking for Miss. Angie" said Rafa.

"Let me correct you first by saying that it's Mrs. Angie.. And second, right now is not the time" said German...

Vilu and Ludmilla came out the front door, as they saw the scandal that might of occurred.

"Dad, what's going on..." said Vilu.

"Guys, please. All i want is some peace..." said Angie with her hands up in the air as she was upset and she went upstairs..

"Now look what you did" said German to Rafa.

"What's all the racket" said Ramallo fixing his glasses.

"Ramallo are you here to make things worse..." said German

"Well no" said Ramallo

"Well i think i'm gonna leave..." said Rafa.

"Mr. Rafa, i suggest that you don't start up scandals here. This family is going through a hard time finding out about the loss of our youngest member of this family." said Ramallo.

"Is this about Violetta? Oh poor thing... But wait didn't i see her a minute ago???" said Rafa.

"I don't know how much i have to explain to you..." said Ramallo... "please leave"

"Alright, chillax" said Rafa with his hands up.

Ramallo closed the door slightly as Leon came in and pushed it.

"Oh Mr. Leon come on in" said Ramallo.

"Is everything okay?" asked Leon.

"Well, i don't know what to tell you" said Ramallo.

"Is Violetta here?" asked Leon.

"Yes she is here, and i think she needs you" said Ramallo.

"She needs me?" asked Leon.

"Yes, you know that when your here, she seems to be a bit more calmer and safer." said Ramallo.

"And is German okay with that" said Leon.

"Well you know how he is, and well since his marriage with Angie, he seems to have changed even more" said Ramallo.

"I'm glad to here" said Leon.

German came out now, and greeted Leon as Leon went to go see Violetta.

"Ramallo can i see you in my office please" said German.

"Yes certainly" said Ramallo as he would say.

The office:

"Yes i'm here. What is it" said Ramallo.

"I'm a bit concerned" said German.

"Well yes of course...." said Ramallo.

"We need to leave..." said German.

"WHAT!!! Aren't we happy here. You know that no one in this house will like that idea of yours" said Ramallo in shock.

"Well we are not going to move....yet" said German.

"So what are you trying to say??" asked Ramallo.

"Well i talked to Mr. Ferro" said German, "And it's possible that we will be moving to Italy"

"Is this about the baby, or are you saying it because that's what you planned before" said Ramallo.

"I planned it before, don't worry. But please, don't say anything, especially Angie....." said German.

Before he could finish his sentence, Angie opened the door just as he said those words.

"Excuse me..." said Angie angrily.

"Uhhh.., It's not what it seems.." said German with his shocked face.

"German, what are you hiding from me?" said Angie.

"Umm... I'm going to leave" said Ramallo....

Violetta was smiling has Leon hugged her as they walked down the stairs...

Ramallo had a worried look on his face which made Vilu concerned.

"Ramallo, is everything okay?" said Vilu.

"Well your dad got into a bit of trouble with Angie..." said Ramallo.

"What did he do now??" said Vilu, saying it like it is the usual.

"Well find out in the office" said Ramallo pointing to the door...

Vilu bursted into the room....

"Dad what did you do now" said Vilu angrily....

"Vilu don't come in my office like that..." said German.

"Vilu that's not the right way to handle it" said Angie.

"So what did you do?" said Vilu.

"Vilu, please don't shout at him like that" said Angie.

"Well i guess i will tell both of you since it pertains to all of the family.." said German.

"Then tell everyone than just hid it" said Angie shaking her head.

"Look Angie, i didn't do it on purpose" said German, " i just didn't want to stress you"

Everyone came in his office now....

"Everyone. I talked to Ludmilla's dad, and we are moving to Italy very soon" said German.....

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