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Rain's POV

I stared the guy up and down as I smirked, he was light skinned, had blue eyes and big lips, so big that you could chew on it. Did I mention he was 5'7? I could just jump on him.

" Rainelle!" My mom said as she shook me from my fantasy.
" It's not good to stare."
The guy snickered then looked away biting his bottom lip.
" Mom I was not staring!" I blurted out covering my face with my hands.
" Anyway darling, this is my son Tristan. Tristan this is my lovely girlfriend Amy." He introduced smiling.
I coughed slightly causing everyone attention to be on me.
" Hi, I'm Rainelle nice to meet you."
" Pleasure is all mine." He smiled slightly.
I loved his smile, everytime he does it I feel like I'm melting.
" Let's get going mom."
" Okay! Everyone let's head to the car and to our destination!" She yelled trying to sound cool.
" Yeah yeah." I mumbled rolling my eyes as I felt two eyes on me.

" Finally we're here!" I sighed as I plopped down on the sofa.
" Mom can you make me some green tea? Thanks."
" Okay honey, Nick why don't you help me out?" She insisted smiling.
" It's just tea, you open it smash it in the microwave and it's finished. What do you need help with?" I said putting my hands on my hips standing up.
She flashed me a glare and I can see her head exploding.
" Sure." Nick gave in as my mom took his hand, sticked her tongue out at me, then walked to the kitchen.
I scoffed then looked at Tristan on the nearby couch on his phone.
I got up and walked to the front door then stopped.
" Where are you going?"
I turned to see Tristan behind me inches away from my face.
" I-I um I'm going to a friend's house."
" Then you don't mind me going with you?"
" No! Uh..I'm busy. Girls day no boys allowed."
He moved closer to me and pinned me against the wall.
" Listen love, here's how things are going to go down. I give the orders you listen. Got it?"
I pushed him off me then went out the door.
" Coming or what?" I yelled gesturing him a " Come on".
" Yeah."
We both got in the car and didn't say a word since we got there.
I guess we're both really shaken up about what happened back at my place.

We came across Elena's place and we both got out of the car.
" Where are we?" He asked looking at his surroundings.
" My friends place relax."
I knocked on the door calling out Elena's name but instead her sister answered.
" What?!" Her sister beamed chewing gum loudly.
" Hi Alexis is Elena-"
"Trixy kins!" She shouted jumping on Tristan as he held her spinning her around.
" Oh my god lex!" He cried squeezing her as she laughed.
Wait what?
" Umm I'm still here." I said interuppting them.
" Sadly." Alexis mumbled jumping off Tristan.
" Rainelle, me and Lex go way back."
" Yeah me and Trixy kins used to be together. But I had to move so we broke up and now he's here we're back together!" She squealed then crawled back on him.
" Oh, well anyway is Elena inside?"
" Yeah but-"
" Thanks Lexis I'll leave you to alone."
" RAIN!"
I zoomed into their house and opened Elena's room.
" Lena I'm-"
I froze in place as I saw Damon and Elena in bed together naked.
" What the fuck?" I shocked shaking my head rapidly.
" I can explain Rain." Damon pleaded as he rushed out of bed with Elena.
I thought I meant something to him?! One little mistake and he's done with me?
" How could you?!" I cried falling to my knees crying as hard as ever.
I felt two muscular arms comfort me, I shaked them off and ran out.
" RAINDROP!" He shouted running after me.
" Tristan can we please go?"
" Why?"
" I know why Trixy you can go."
" You got my number right Lex?"
" Yeah."
" Alright bye."
" Bye Trixy kins!"
I beamed in the car and cried on the wheel.
" What is the matter with you?!"
" I don't know. I got played I don't know why I'm THIS upset."
" Well quit crying, your mom is gonna worry."
" Your right."

We finally reached my house and I screamed as I saw it in flames.
" MOM!"
" DAD!"
We both jumped out of the car and raced to the house.
" Hold it right there." A police officer said pushing us back.
" Our parents is in there!"
" You have to help us!"
" Relax we checked the house there isn't anybody in there." The officer told us trying to pin Tristan down as he continued to try to pass through.
" Tristan enough." A voice interuppted us.
" Dad!" Tristan yelled hugging his father.
I smiled then it slowly faded.
" Wait where's my mom?" I asked looking around.
" Rain, your mother is in the hospital the baby came early."
" WHAT!" Tristan and I said in union.
Oh god Mom!

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Ooh where's Rainelle's Mom?
So juicy!!
Love you all!

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