Request #24 Part 2

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Hannah's POV

Having Kai as a step-brother isn't bad after all... in fact days have passed and I can say we get along pretty well. I used to think he was a stupid jerk who does nothing but to impress people and show off, well not until our first encounter days ago where he helped me with my stuffs. And yes, he really proved me wrong, having been able to know him better.

We don't treat each other like siblings just yet. We're kind of like strangers at school and it was a big surprise to wake up one day knowing he'll be part of the family.... so I guess starting off as friends is a great idea; friends who live under the same roof that is. -_-

"Come on slowpoke... we're going to be late for school." I told him as I held the door knob.

"Just five more minutes." He said as he tried to fix his hair like he always does in front of the mirror.

"Kai!" I said as I stomped my foot. "I don't want to be late again." I told him when I remembered I've already been late in class a few days ago.

"Okay, okay." He chuckled as he headed towards my direction.

"How do I look?" He said and showed off his neatly done hair.

I just looked at him as if he just said the weirdest thing I've heard in my entire life before heading straight out of the door, ignoring his question.

"Hey! Wait for me." He said as he quickly got his bag and tried to catch up.

"Can't you atleast say I already look handsome?" He said as he placed his arms around my shoulder.

"And why would I do that? It's not like your paying me for every complement I give you. Besides, you always look the same." I said and removed his arm from my shoulder as I tried not to make it obvious that I badly wanted to laugh really hard.

As soon as we arrrived at school students started to murmur once again.

"I can't believe they live in the same house."

"They shouldn't be even hanging out, I mean Kai is so damn good for someone like that freak."

I can't believe this people. I mean, our parents are getting married, which will eventually make us a family, ofcourse we'll live in the same house... but gosh, these people are trying to make it sound like I'm a whore or something. Like duh? Do I even look like one?! I'm a freaking nerd people! I have braces and huge spectacles for crying out loud! I'm not even wearing any make-up!

"Just ignore them." Kai whispered. I just rolled my eyes heavenwards. People would always say nasty things about you... it's either they're just jealous of you or they just can't find something to do with their lives. ╮(╯▽╰)╭


Months passed and things were back to normal, well except for the fact that our parents finally got married... and well, students from school would still stare, but other than that everything seem to be pretty fine... well not until these past few days... Kai started to grow cold. I have no idea why he started to act like that. I mean, back then he would always tease me, fool around... but now whenever I talk to him he'd reply using only a few words and eventually leave.

I couldn't help but wonder why. I would often try to remember if I've done something wrong, or if ever I have offended him. But as far as I can remember everything was fine back then.

"Hey mom. Have you seen Kai?" I asked upon entering the kitchen.

"No, I haven't honey." She answered.

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