56. Chanyeol- Too Late

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Your POV

I never thought I'd be so lucky to have someone special in my life. Someone who cares for you, someone who loves you, and someone who's always there by your side...

...someone like James...

We've been together for five years and I can say that our relationship is all I could wish for. A lot of my friends even envy us, because according to them; "You're so perfect for each other."

One day, James and I went to a bookstore. I love books and he would always accompany me to the mall without even complaining.

"I'll just take a look over there." I told him and went ton the other side of the shelves, leaving James scanning through the comic books.

I wandered to the Sci-Fi Section, hoping to see something that'll capture my attention, and luckily I did find one... but just as I was about to get the book, my hand bumped into someone who was also planning to get it. I immediately flinched as soon as our hands touched. For a moment there I thought I was electrified.

"I'm sorry." I heard the guy said as we looked at each other.


"N-no. It's o-okay." I stuttered.

I don't know, but I found myself staring at each other. He didn't dare move a muscle, and so did I.

Just then I heard James calling me, making me snap back into reality.

I looked at the guy once more and smiled at him before I went to look for James.


One day, I decided to go to my favorite Coffee Shop. James wasn't able to go with me 'cause he was busy, so I decided to go by myself.

As soon as I got my order, I went to look for a place to sit. Unfortunately the only vacant chair was the "table for two" at the corner and a guy was already sitting at the opposite side. I didn't want to sit with a stranger but the more I don't want to stand here for half an hour, so I took the courage to approach the guy. He wasn't facing me so I slowly tugged his sleeve and asked him if I can sit with him since there were no more available chairs anymore, but to my surprise. The guy faced me and to my surprise it was the same guy I saw at the bookstore days ago.

"Hey, it's you. Remember me?" He smiled.

"Uhhh, yes, I do remember you." His smile grew wider after what I said. He told me to sit down and as soon as I did he started telling me stuffs I don't even understand. XD It was like he was telling me stories about his life. I couldn't help but laugh with the way he tells me almost everything and to think that we just met. To be fair, I also told him my life stories, but not as much as he did though.

"Oh, how silly of me... I'm Chanyeol by the way." he said as he scratched his head.

I giggled. Funny it seems that we have been talking for half an hour and we still haven't introduced each other.

I reached out my hand to him... "Hi Chanyeol. I'm Y/N." I said as he took my hands as we started laughing together.

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