Now That I Know The Truth, You're Not Real Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


“MOM!” I hollered to the mirror. Seconds later my mother appeared.

“Yes?” she asked with a confused face.

“Mom, I can’t do this. I quit,” I said devastated. “I’m sorry but I’ll give up the crown if I have to. I don’t want to do this.” I complained. I didn’t like chasing things that weren’t worth my time. Who does? She and I were not correct for one another. We were awkward around one another. If I had to get her to agree to marry me and come back with me then we shouldn’t have been awkward around one another. She was merely human and I hated that. Of all the species; of all the diseases she just had to be the lowest with mortality. Ugh, I could barely ever stand to be around her without noticing things about her that annoyed me.

Before I could catch my breath, my mother was gone from the mirror and standing in front of me. It was a movement that I knew all too well, and I subconsciously prepared myself for an attack on her behalf. “Honey calm down, it’s going to be okay,” she said hugging me. I stood there for a moment in shock. This woman couldn’t be my mother. My mother would have landed blow after blow on me. She would have made me fight her for acceptance back home.

I let her arms encompass my being for a moment, before coming to my senses and hugging her back. Moments like these were not something I experienced with her very often, as I tended to push her past her limits. “Now let’s sit down, and you tell me what’s happened,” she said as she lead me to my new sofas.

“She doesn’t like me. I told her that I’d take her out for dinner this whole week, and we only went out on Sunday. Everyday after that she’s been pre-occupied. Monday, I went over and knocked on her door but she was sleeping. When she woke up, she came outside stretched, muttered something about a run and went back inside to go back to sleep. Tuesday I went over again but she wasn’t there, again.  And again, I waited. She came jogging back, later, went right past me and back into her house. It’s like she’s trying to avoid me,” I told her frustrated. This girl just knew exactly how to get under my skin, and I think she was doing it on purpose.

Females didn’t reject me, never, unless they were my mother. No matter what it was that I wanted, I always got it. And they were always ready and willing to do whatever to see me happy or smile. This female needed to know who was really in charge. Sadly though, my plan to carry her back home kicking and screaming was not something I could conceive anymore because of the clause my parents implemented about this whole stupid ordeal.

“Avory dear, you’re over reacting, again. Maybe she just forgot, or got caught up; she did have a set schedule before you showed up,” my mom said cutting me off before I could continue ranting.

Who cared if she had a schedule, she should have dropped everything to tend to my every whim. If I wasn’t on rules I would have made her pay for disrespecting me all week long. I was trying to be kind and courteous towards her. They told me I couldn’t compel her. The only thing that they hadn’t disallowed me to do was be kind and courteous! If they had wanted that from me they should have just said so. I bet there was a loophole, however, and I was determined to find it, if what ever my mother was saying wasn’t true.

“Yeah, I know but,” I tried to interrupt her.

“Let me finish,” she said lifting her hand. “Did you give her your cell phone number?” She asked a bit upset that I interrupted her when she was speaking. I shut up quickly before her anger ended up rearing its ugly head.

“No I don’t have one. I barely know what that is, so what’s the need?” I asked unsure of what she was getting at.

“Well, these humans live off of them. Its how they get in contact with one another, since they can’t read minds nor can they blood call,” she replied in a matter of fact tone.

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