Chapter 2: Well look who it is..

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(Y/n)'s POV:

When I walk back up the stairs to my room, I think about the twins, well I think they are twins. Mabel seemed sweet but Dipper made me feel a little uneasy.

Although he was a little cute and he had a nice face but that didn't matter much. My mind was set on school, and meeting new people. I had a trend of meeting not the nicest of boys when it came to dating at school. My last ex was a little crazy and he scared me.

Checking my Fitbit around my wrist, the time read: 8:45. It wasn't that late, I still had a little time before I could go to sleep. However I felt exhausted.

A yawn escapes my mouth as I walk into my clothes thrown, a tornado hit room. Kicking away the boxes strewn in my room, I make a pathway to my bed. Before falling on my bed, I look at my black shorts and (f/c) shirt.

"(Y/n)! I'm going to go get some dinner, what do you want?" My dad yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I quickly get up off my bed before walking back over to my door. Opening it up, I could see my dad at the bottom of the stairs with his keys in his hands.

"What about (fav. fast food)?" I suggest to him.

He shrugs," That sounds good to me, do you want your regular?" My dad asked me.

I nod in reply and he nods back before replying," Okay I'll be back in a little bit," my dad waves before opening the door.

I wave to him before I go back into my room and close the door behind me. I heard the front door shut and he locks it.

A half an hour later

I hear the front door open and close before my dad headed up the stairs to my room. He opens my door before popping his head in.

"Here you go, kiddo. Your favorite," He said with a smile before handing a brown bag and a drink to me.

"Thanks dad," I reply as I hold the bag and cup in my hands, it smelled delicious. My dad leaves with his food and heads downstairs again. I close the door behind him before sitting down on my bed. I quickly open the bag and the food smelled great as the smell past my nose.

After I'm finished eating, I think about changingfor bed but shrugging the idea off, I fall back onto my bed. I look up at my ceiling, debating whether or not that school might be fun. A yawn escapes my mouth, and I fall asleep into a dreamless sleep, curled up next to my pillows.

The next morning......


My alarm rang in my room and my eyes slowly open but I want to go back to sleep. A song comes on through the speakers, it was called Ride? It's by that Twenty one airplanes group....or is it something else? (I'm apart of the Clique, it's okay) I think it's called that but I don't care.

My alarm on phone kept going as I looked at the time, it was around 6am. I had to be up and ready by seven, so I might as well get up.

I ruffle my (h/c) colored hair while a yawn escapes my mouth. Today was my first day of school at Reverse falls high school, and I felt too tired and excited at the same time.

I stretch my arms while I keep yawning. Throwing my legs over the side of my bed, I push myself off the edge. My lights were off, and I struggle, trying to find the path I made last night. My hand scrapes the wall for the light switch.

Finding it, I click it on. My room was still a mess like the night before. Sighing, I walk over to my box that says CLOTHES.

Pulling out some shredded jeans and a blue shirt, with some black converse as well. Sauntering over to my bathroom connected to my room, I turn on the lights. Looking at my appearance, a goran escaped my mouth. My makeup was smudged, and my shirt was a little wrinkled. I shrug before I start to change into my clothes.

Another yawn escaped my mouth as I began to pull the clothes on. I still looked tired but at least I'm dressed for school. Looking into the mirror, I decide to brush my hair that was knotted up.

My (h/l) (h/c) was in a rats nest and I roll my eyes at my appearance. I grab my brush off the counter and start to brush my (h/c) hair, trying to get through the knots that magically appeared while I slept.

Quickly, I grab a wipe and remove my makeup from the day before and I start to do my makeup for today, (*insert favorite makeup*sorry I had to, although I know most of you don't!)and after 15 minutes, I'm finally done.

I plug in my (curling iron or straightening iron) and start to curl/straighten my (h/l) (h/c) hair. A yawn escapes my mouth as I look over my appearance, and walk out with a small smile on my face as I plop a beanie onto my head as well. At least I look decent for my first day of my new high school.


Sauntering out of the bathroom, I come face to face with someone I saw yesterday. He was wearing a uniform and had an uncomfortable look on his face.

"Oh hey (y/n), I was just coming to get you.Your dad said I could...." He says, looking at me as his face ran through his hair.

I stood there speechless with my eyes wide and my mouth partially gaping open as I stared at the person before me......


Word Count: 1016

Sorry that this took me awhile to update. I had a little bit of writers block for this one. Hope you like it! Chapter 3 might actually come out today too, or this week!


{Last time edited: 7/22/20}

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