Chapter 6: Oh Mr. Gleeful

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BAM! Update done, haven't updated so I decided to. And 1900 words! I hope you like it, and I don't know if I like the end of this chapter...but I please keep voting, and commenting on here. And thank you for 3.33k views! Now onto the story....

-Alexandra xoxo

(Y/n's POV):

We make it to the mall, and I climb out of her black Lexus. My flats click quietly on the dark pavement as I come around the car to meet Mabel. She locks her car, and begins to walk with you. (Btw Mabel and you are 17, almost 18)

"So.....what stores are there here?" I ask her, pulling my purse onto my shoulder. (And if you don't usually wear, just forget it.)

Mabel starts to look through her black purse," Well there are a lot, like Jcpenny, Macy's, Bath & body works, Claire's, Pink, H&M, and Hot Topic. But there is a lot more than just those ones..." she says before pulling out her lipstick and qickly placing it on her lips.

I smile," Sweet, I'm excited!" I exclaim before looking over at her.

Mable giggles," Maybe you'll meet someone that you think is cute.." she hints, nudging my arm.

I laugh at her comment," Oh that's gonna happen,"I replied before rolling my eyes. I check the time on my Fitbit, it read 2:30.

Mabel chuckles before pulling me inside the entrance of Reverse Falls Mall. Now this was going to be an adventure....

<...time skip...>

Falling on the bench, I feel exhausted. I had at least five or six bags around me, and a (f/d) in my hand. Taking the last sip of my (f/d) I throw the cup away into the trash that was next to the bench.

Mabel looks at me with an amused expression, she looks as if she just got here, ready to shop again. Her bags hung from her arms as she checked her phone. There were 10 or so many bags, and I was surprised she wasn't tired yet. We had visited multiple stores since we got there and it was exhausting.

"Crap...." she whispered under her breath. I quickly look up at her with a confused look in my eyes.

"What?..." I ask her in confusion. Before she could reply she points towards a group of people, coming towards them with her thumb. Her face showed a irritated expression as she rolls her eyes.

"MABEL GLEEFUL!!?" I heard someone shout. The group starts to crowd around her in a wild fashion. I could hear many 'I love you's' and 'Can you sign this?'.

A fake smile was plastered on her mouth as she signed papers and said 'thank you's'. She looked over at me with please help expression.

"Hey guys!!" I yell," I just saw Single Timez just go that way!!" And the group looks at me with deer eyed expressions. Many faces lit up as I pointed in the direction of the so called way the band went.

"SINGLE TIMEZ?!" I could hear them squeal as they ran that way. Mabel had a relieved expression on her face as she hugged me.

"Thank you (y/n), those fans are always so crazy! Sometimes I can never get away and it can last forever," She retorts as she pulls out of the hug.

I smiled in return but then realized something.."Wait....what was that about though?" I ask in a cautious tone.

Mabel hesistated as if she didn't know what to say before replying, "So my brother and I are known as the Gleeful twins. We have a show every other weekend in Reverse Falls; a magic show so we're kind of famous." Mabel explains to me with a shrug.

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